Did your parents make you get a job at a young age?

my parents never spoke to me about getting a job in hs or uni, in fact they probably would rather i didn't have one during uni since it meant i couldn't be bothered studying as much. i'm 29 though so i think they might have something to say about it now lol
Funny to answer as a child and also now a parent. I will try and keep this short 😂

Yes, as a young person I worked part time from the age of 15. It was the only way I could get a little money for myself. Further education wasn’t encouraged but I was allowed to stay on until 5th year then had to work full time.

Old now 😂 18 year old son and I want him to get the best life possible. So proud that he is at university now and his life is just beginning. He will have to work in holidays but education is top priority for now.
i haven't had a job or any experience yet and i'm 18 soon (at school still, don't want a job yet heh)- generally think i'm alright? i mean i was pretty nervous when i was told to do a psychology presentation to the rest of the class (10 others) but i think i'd be less nervous in a natural setting- idk lol
I’m really thankful my dad didn’t force me to go to college. I really didn’t have any interest in it. I just started working after graduation. My start date at my first job was actually the same day I graduated high school. I waited because I wanted to work overnight and later shifts, which I obviously couldn’t do while still in school. I was allowed to work in high school, but I basically chose not to because I wanted more freedom at work. You don’t really get that as a minor.
I started working the oddjobs for family and family friends. All labor based jobs. I did try to get work via applications but they never were accepted because those companies wanted 18+ with 90 years of experience. Now these same jobs are begging people to work for them and it's funny watching it bite them in the ass.

I worked construction at like 14 or so and was paid $8-10 back then. I was underpaid for that kind of work, but I took it because other places just didn't want me despite me being willing to learn. Now we're seeing the pendulum swing on the opposite side and it could had been avoided if it weren't for unrealistic expectations and corporate greed. And they still haven't learned despite a full year of 'no one wants to work'
I got my first job right after I turned 19. My parents never pressured me into getting one, nor was I interested in doing it. The only reason I applied was to pass time until I finished my gap year.
They didn't. My mom and dad both wanted me to focus on school. Said after I graduated, I'd be working the rest of my life... so they encouraged me not to work. My dad even offered to let me live at home and not work during college... I didn't though. I ended up moving out, working through college... regretted not taking him up on that offer later, though LOL
But I will never forget how she treated me when I told her I didn't feel I could continue. We were in the car - an old landrover, quite high from the ground - and she just started screaming about how bad I was. Then when she got out the vehicle, she started trying to tug me out by my arm screaming "GET OUT YOU LITTLE *****" over and over again, still pulling til I fell from that height to the ground, with her still dragging me by my arm. Then started loudly crying "I HATE HER". My dad thankfully didn't join in, cos he was extremely violent and I ended up needing medical treatment once thanks to his temper. But he did start hugging her and telling her she was right to hate me and that they should "get rid of me" and "wanted me out of their house" which wasn't an uncommon thing for them to say before or after. So I continued til I able to get an evening supermarket job. Some parents shouldn't have children.
This is horrifying. I have no idea how old you are, but I really, REALLY hope you are out of that situation and that your parents are both fully cut off. I don't know you or them, but I hope your parents rot
This is horrifying. I have no idea how old you are, but I really, REALLY hope you are out of that situation and that your parents are both fully cut off. I don't know you or them, but I hope your parents rot
Yeah I'm in my 30's these days and I'm at the other end of the country from the pair of them. Rarely speak to them, haven't seen them in years. Thank you though, for your kind words xxx
My mum would just tell me to do whatever was the opposite of what I was doing at the time because she's a nasty ho ho ho.

My grandparents told me to not bother with work and focus on my education first. I kinda wish they told me to at least do both even if it were a few hours a week job because trying to get a job with no experience after finishing education was one of the longest and difficult periods of my life. I just couldn't get my foot in the door at all.

Seeing other people do the opposite, they have a far easier time. My partner for instance has jumped from job to job with relative ease and she has been working since she was in collage.