Digital or physical edition?

Does Anyone have any experience with pre-ordering through Amazon? I am curious as to whether they ship on the 20th or they would ship it earlier? With the 20th being a Friday, if it isn’t delivered on that day, it would be a wait over the weekend. I would prefer to have a physical copy, but my anxiety is pushing me to purchase a digital copy lol.

With a pre-order from Amazon, my pre-order of BOTW wasn’t delivered until 8pm on release day which had a release of March 3rd which happened to fall on a Friday.
I'm a little miffed about the fact that Best Buy gets those adorable Bell bags, Target gets journals, and other places have pins or stickers... But my local game store just has posters. I feel I got ripped off for a pre-order bonus this time around.

Not to mention the fact that they're doing a 9 pm release for DOOM but not a midnight release for Animal Crossing when they COULD have just waited till midnight for both, but I digress. Angrily.

...I'm getting physical, is what I'm trying to say. Husband too. Gotta save on that sweet, sweet internal memory wherever possible, especially knowing how screencap crazy the partner is. Also, getting two double-sided posters will save us the issue of deciding which side to display.
I preordered from Target for the journal because it was cute and no other store really seemed to have interesting preorder bonuses at the time. Honestly though, isn't one of the Japanese preorder bonuses a bento box or something?? Why couldn't we have gotten THAT?? Oh well.
I normally never buy games digitally (just because I prefer to have physical copies), but with it raining all week and the Coronavirus going around, plus not having a ton of time to go preorder it or pick it up, I just pre-purchased the game digitally! This will be my first digital Switch game that I have. My other three games are physical copies, so yeah. :p
I preorederd the physical copy of the game, but it's going to come later than the 20th, so I probably should've just ordered the digital copy.
I pre-ordered a physical copy at first, but I bought the Gamestop Switch NH console bundle and it comes with a digital copy so I had to cancel my physical one rip

I'm fine with it though, Amazon's been weird for me lately so I might not have gotten my game on the 20th. I'm glad I can play it right away via digital once it comes out.
I'm personally getting digital for a variety of reasons this time around:

-It's more convenient. Because some days of checking in on the game can be very short, such as just doing your daily tasks, having the game digitally means I can switch over to another game really quickly when I'm done, without having to change cartridges.

-I don't want to wait. I'm a bit impatient. So having the ability to play the game on the 19th right away (9 PM PST) is awesome, instead of waiting until the following day for a package to arrive or to go to the store.
Welp hahaha, just opted for Digital, due to Coronavirus and just feeling iffy w/ getting release day I went ahead and got it to pre-load early : ) still happy and excited.
I bought and downloaded the digital version because I want to play at midnight on release day. Also, I don't have to swap games if I want to play and there's no cartridge that could get lost.
It'll be physical for me. If Amazon can't deliver it because of the virus, I'll refund it and buy it digitally.
I really like displaying my Nintendo games, since on PC I always buy them on Steam mainly :)
I'd just buy digital since it's a lot more convenient. In 10 or more years from now, if it becomes impossible to reobtain, and I want to replay it, I'll likely find a secondhand copy online. Longer into the future, we'll all be emulating.

I'd be more concerned about the lifespan of the Switch console than losing my digital copy. The game downloads to the SD card card right? You may be able to make backups of that.

EDIT: Right now I am not too concerned about replaying Wild World, and the same may be said for New Horizons in 15 Years.
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I'd just buy digital since it's a lot more convenient. In 10 or more years from now, if it becomes impossible to reobtain, and I want to replay it, I'll likely find a secondhand copy online. Longer into the future, we'll all be emulating.

I'd be more concerned about the lifespan of the Switch console than losing my digital copy. The game downloads to the SD card card right? You may be able to make backups of that.

Yup if you have an SD card the game itself saves onto the SD card, but not the save files. Maybe it does, but when I look on my SD card it looks the same. It could also be that that the save files are small and it doesn't take up too much space.
Yup if you have an SD card the game itself saves onto the SD card, but not the save files. Maybe it does, but when I look on my SD card it looks the same. It could also be that that the save files are small and it doesn't take up too much space.

The saves are saved to the system storage. The game itself though should be able to be moved to am SD card.
Digital! I preordered mine so I can play it the minute it comes out lol. Also worried about it being sold out if I did decide to go to the store and my local EB Games just closed so idk where i'd get it. It's also easier to travel with since I won't have to bring a bunch of games with me and I won't have to worry about losing it!
I want it digital so I can play it early and so I don't have to keep changing the cartridge with Splatoon. But I managed to preorder the physical game on Amazon (Mexico) for 938 pesos mxn which is 42 usd while the digital game costs 1499 pesos mxn which is 68 usd. That's a lot more just to be able to play it a bit early, so I will just keep the preorder on Amazon.
I preordered it physically because I get really paranoid about only owning digital copies of things that you have to redownload. It's coming from Nintendo so hopefully it shouldn't take too long - the parcel I've got with my Switch Lite and BOTW is meant to be arriving from 12-2 today. (And I've got an essay due on the 20th at 12 so it's probably best I don't get the game until after that, anyway!)
I REALLY want a physical copy.

But with Corona, I'm worried that the shops will be shut and I will have to download a digital copy :(