Not usually so if you are not a fan of GS I wouldn't reccomend it. Although if you are a pro member you get 10% off the guide which is always nice.I don't normally buy games from Gamestop, but do you know if they have any sort of deal when you buy a game and its guide? Do you get a discount for buying both at a time usually?
It's only $5? Wow, Well I am getting my game from Target, but if they don't get the guide, I will just go to Gamestop for the guide.
I would LOVE for it to come out earlier! I know that some of the HM guides came out before the game, because I remember reading them a bazillion times and marking things. lol
That's funny, I also use a GS near a Prattville. e_e
Is it by a Wal-Mart, Rib Crib, and Little Ceasers?
I'd like to see what's in it before I get it, tho.
Stopped in at Gamestop tonight. If you pre-order the guide ($19.98 or $19.99) and pre-order the game (or add it to your already pre-ordered game) you get 10% off of the guide. With their Power Up card you get an additional 10% off (I think the guide only). It's not online yet for pre-orders. Hope this helps!
Well unfortunately if it's $20 for the guide we'll probably just be getting a standard, error-ridden guide and not a real guide like what you can get in Japan