DIY recipes depending on villager personality?


Team Bulbasaur
Nov 15, 2015
Yellow Candy
New Horizons Token
Spring Sakura
Tasty Cake
White Violet
It’s something I was wondering. I got the shell bed recipe from my friends peppy islander on her island and then today got the same recipe by my peppy islander. Coincidence or are some recipes depending on personality type?
I honestly have no idea - the recipes I have gotten from villagers while being in their houses have all related to the furniture they have, e.g. if they use the wood-block series, they give me a wood-block recipe. So if there's a connection between series and personality, then there is likely a connection between recipes and personality too.
I've gotten a lot of random recipes. Sprocket (a jock) gave me a recipe for a bamboo wall decoration today. He doesn't have any bamboo furniture in his house. He's also given me recipes for firewood and a stacked firewood wall which seem much more jock-y, though. It might be like balloons where there's a good chance that the recipe will correspond with the villagers' own tastes and interest, but a small chance they'll give you something random.

I've noticed that the messages in a bottle all kinda seem like they were written by a specific personality type, so maybe those behave the same way?
i don’t think anything’s been confirmed but it would make sense for personalities to give certain recipes like they did with pwps back in new leaf
It would be interesting Bc it would mean it would be best to have all kinds of personalities on your island again in order to collect all recipes:)
I'd assumed that was the case as well.

e.g. on Friday I got the bamboo floor lamp recipe from a normal personality villager on Oblivia's island. Then yesterday Norma (also normal personality) was making one on my island.
it might not necessarily correlate with their personality but still be assigned by personality, but its something wed have to look into a lot more.