Do you believe being close with your family is morally important?

Also from a toxic family. So, no. You gotta do what is best for yourself sometimes. Nothing wrong with that.
If you have a family that loves you and treats you well, I don't see any reason to distance yourself from them. If, however, you have an unhealthy relationship that can't be fixed, you shouldn't feel any guilt over choosing not to stick around.
I used to, but not anymore. As my dad became increasingly abusive and both of my parents had no respect for my interests (especially my dad), I began seeing it as less important day by day.
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Funny, because I’m really, really close with my family.
Even though I’ve had some hard times with them, I still love them and I don’t even live with them anymore.
But off course, if your family are being toxic, mean or unfair, you have the right to dislike them. They are the ones who are treating you wrong, and you never treated them wrong. You never have to like bad people, that reminds me of slavery.
doesnt everyone have daddy/mommy issues on the BELL TREE forums???

anyways, yes I feel it is morally right to stay close to them they took care of you, unless they were abusive then idk bout that
I mean, I consider myself close with family I can be close with-even if there have been tensions, I still consider myself close with my mom, and I'm close with many members of my extended family, too.
No one is worth making your life and mental health negative.

Sometimes it's so hard to cut these people out of your life. You may wish you had a normal mom/dad/uncle/whatever, but appreciate the other positive people in your life.
It depends on how much they love you. My father is like, I don't even know. I'm not sure if he loves me because if he did, he'd support my mother. But nope. He would rather spend his time and money on his wife and their children. He was also a very abusive man (psychologically and physically).
But I digress. If they love you and are caring, then yes, it is morally important to be close to them. If you just disregard them or throw them away, then that's wrong because all they want is the best for you. This is true about my mother.
Love those who care about you for you'll never know when their time is up.
it really depends on what kind of family you have. if you have a toxic family or relatives, you are in no way obligated to be close or to spend time with them. however if you have a family or relatives who genuinely care for you, and want the best for you, and do much things, the least you could do is appreciate their care for obvious reasons. it would be the right thing to do to treat someone decently, if they have been altruistically kind with you. but if they're toxic and draining, you have every reason and right to stay away from them.
to me, yes! i think family is a really important thing. but, if your family is toxic then, no i don't think it's good to be around them.
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Having a good family is a blessing, stay with them. But if they're toxic then no. (kinda common sense)
morally? no.
but family is important, at least personally.

they are NOT, however, friends. u can totally be friends with ur family (im friends w my mom so after i go to college and move out, we're obviously still gonna stay in touch and i wont dodge her calls) but if ur not its totally ok.
it's not important because you can live fine without them but it's definitely better to have a good bond than a toxic one. personally my immediate family i get along with except my dad. he doesn't understand anything at all and always negative, even at one point physically abusing my brother. not a good person to be around. my other relatives, pretty toxic.
It’s not morally important. You develop your own morals as you grow up.