We all have to accept the theory now since there’s more evidence for it than against it, but I agree with you here. Even in a serious situation like this, it’s not worth insulting other people with generic insults or forcing others to agree with you. My no vote was to imply that it the theory was rather exaggerated than just untrue, but it sure didn’t hold up now.
I now believe that the idea that global warming is a myth isn’t about its existence, but rather about imposing regulations that may harm the economy or take away freedom. Another thing is that renewable energy is more expensive to produce less power than coal and oil, and it doesn’t work everywhere. And, it’s hard to abruptly switch to eco-friendly solutions because of human nature.
I thought of some other solutions to end global warming. We could do artificial photosynthesis or start using biofuels. Or, if someone is smart enough, they could invent something that would freeze the entire planet to solve our shrinking icecap problems.
I would agree on some solutions to save the environment, but other solutions, there’s no dice. I would switch to all renewable energy and mandate recycling, but to ban airplanes or ban meat production, that’s not going to fly with me.