Do you believe in magic? [Roleplay] - Open and New

(Since we're fighting now let's end it before death because Goop isn't even back yet).
Quickly I harden the air around me with my magic. Then attempt to blow the weapon out of her hand. Traitor! I thought, rage filling my mind.
A shocked look crosses my face, and I take a step back, and start to grin again. "Go on! Kill me! You may harm her, but not me!" I growl, sounding as if two voices are speaking, one filled with fearr, the other cold.
At this point I notice Cupa's different eyes and voice. I run up to her acting like I'm going to make a killing blow but I instead punch her very hard on the temple (pressure point FYI), and tried to knock her out.
I drag Cupa up on to a tree. I blow some clouds over head to keep many shadows from forming. When I get back down I tie Cupa's hands together behind the tree.
"Then what was that!?" I said still speaking louder than necessary. I tried to regain composure so my head was clear but I was unsuccessful.
OOC:Goop is online.
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(I know)
"If I was possessed, then I would be controlled by a ghost. But it's not a ghost. He never even told me what to call him..." I murmur, avoiding her gaze.
Rin crept through the woods, following the sound of two females' voices. One seemed to be afraid, or shocked, and the other was hardly audible. If it weren't for the usual silence of the forest, Rin wouldn't even have noticed the second girl was there. She continued to quickly move through the trees before seeing the silhouette of one female, appearing as if she were just standing in front of a tree trunk. She wasn't moving much, so she was comfortable with whoever else was nearby, and Rin narrowed her gaze as the clouds moved. Mages... These two definitely weren't the usual upperclass mages she was taught to hunt, but were more stealthy, more dirty... They were either rogues or hitmen, and Rin wasn't sure which she would prefer.​
Hearing something, I whipped my head in the direction of Rin. "Jaxofj yope wokht ho aix pe in pb ejyame!" I shouted, the rim of my iris's turning gold. The ropes were sliced to peices in a series of dark knifes. Jumping up, I reached for my sword, grumbling as I realised it wasn't there. "Jychte!" A long scythe appeared in my hands, waiting for the source of the noise to appear.
{{ I see we've been keeping tabs on me, heh heh.
I've been checking things on my phone for messages and things but only now have I been able to get to a computer.
I'm still on vacation and will be until Wednesday. Just wanted to let you guys know. }}