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Do you bring your gaming consoles to school/college/university?

In college I brought my 3ds to class because I got plenty of streetpasses walking to school. I never played during breaks though.
Since I have three free periods per week for now, I do take my 3DS with me so I can play New Leaf to pass the 75 minutes. :) While I was in secondary school I used to play during breaks too since I was so hooked on Pokemon Omega Ruby; once a teacher even came to ask if my friends had left me alone since I had found a quiet spot to play and I probably looked lonely.
sometimes i did to uni cause i could get one or two hits but not often.

i do take it to work sometimes if i wanna go to a nintendo zone on the way home
I bring my Switch with me to college everyday. I ave 3 hours between my classes and finish my homework far before that's over so I just play Fire Emblem Warriors lol
Heck yes! I have my N64 in my dorm with me along with 5 games that I really like!

I don't get to play it very often though. For the most part I simply enjoy its presence :rolleyes:
I usually don’t bring my handheld consoles or anything with me unless it’s to battle someone in Pokemon or something like that.
I've brought it a few times in uni, but I never got too many streetpasses so I stopped doing it. I don't really play it 'out in the open' though
I used to bring my 3DS daily to school but I stopped once I entered college. I should bring it 1 day at least just to see if I get any Streetpasses though.
I brought my Switch once last year to play some Mariokart with a friend on my birthday but that was the only time I ever brought my Switch.
i used to bring my 3ds at school, doing animal crossing or fire emblem. when i go to college in september i'm not sure if i'll bring a game console, i'd be embarrassed about it. it's not a bad thing to, i would love to but i get worried of being judged too much
Sometimes on the bus or ferry if it takes a couple hours

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Wait lol I just saw that the question was about school :p the answer is no in that case
You bet your own gaming console that I play Disgaea during lunch!
I used to walk around school to get the streetpasses and coins from all the steps but I didn't play during breaks
I live within walking distance of my university, so there's no need. If I'm hanging around on campus, I'm practicing. Otherwise I'd prefer to be at home.
Nope. I almost exclusively play at home. I don't bring my consoles outside except for rare instances like recently when me and my partner went to the hair salon. I knew that it's going to take a lot of time to finish her nails and all to the point I usually get kinda impatient with those things lol so I brought the Switch with me to play Doom while waiting for her. It works lol
Yeah, I go to university and am lucky enough to have a very close friend who is into Nintendo who goes there too. We bring our switches and 3dses and play when we can run into each other. If I didn't have a friend there, though, I doubt I would play very often on campus. Would probably still bring my 3ds for the streetpasses though
Currently in college and I bring my 3DS everyday. Playing with a 3DS is not really something to be embarassed about here in my university, in fact, a lot of people do it. I used to just leave it on to get streetpasses(getting the full 10 is pretty common). Right now I don?t leave it on for streetpass anymore(it?s one of those features you use when you newly get it, but don?t bother with later down the road). I just play with it during breaks to pass time.
They hadn't been invented when I was at school.

It was hard enough lugging those stone tablets we used to write on, around, and trying to dodge the pterodactyls who frequently stole my lunch. o_O
Like hell am I gonna bring a ?300 games console to a public high school.