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Do you care where your villagers put their houses?

I have specific areas of my town planned for other PWPs so yes, I'd say I care. I'm a little more lax at the moment because I still have a reasonable amount of free space for switching out a villager and moving in another, but the more I build PWPs and place flower arrangements and bushes, the more strict I become about where a house is plotted.
I didn't care when I started, but after Kabuki, Opal, Blanche, Diana, and Fuchsia all placed their houses in a line with mine on the cliff closest to the southern island's shore, I started using the path plotting technique to ensure that the new houses would all line up similarly around Pekoe and Fang's houses. Pekoe was all the way up at the northwest most point on the island and I felt like she'd be lonely all by herself, but now she has Gladys, Friga, and will eventually have Hamphrey or Flurry to call neighbors.
Nope. I don't really care where they plop their houses. What bothers me is when villagers stay longer than I want them to.
I don't care that much, most of them are in good spots anyway. I had Diana before the update and then moved, I moved her back with the Amiibo card. I hate the spot she's in so I might move her out again though.
yes ;;
ellie plotted in a decent place but i want all my villagers to be in one area in lines so bye bye ellie
hopefully her card will come in the post soon tho
I do care where they plot, I measure out my town to be able to organize and distribute it accordingly. I really like a certain level of symmetry in my town and if they move where they want I can't achieve the right look. I'm too picky sometimes but I can't help it. lol

I definitely have preferences~ I like to be able to plant trees and flowers around the whole house~ But I can work with almost anything. The one thing I can't stand is when a villager moves directly in front of another building. I really dislike when my vision is obstructed, it makes things feel very cramped and just like with real places, cramped areas freak me out. ^^; If anyone moves directly in-front of retail, the cafe', or town hall (sometimes train station, depending on how close and where the obstruction is...) I will move them out as soon as possible, no matter who it is. The new amiibo update with path restrictions is great though, 'cause I can just make a QR garden in front of these areas :D

I care a huge deal, lol. Everything must be neat and orderly :)
I didn't care much in my first town cause I didn't know about plot resetting when I was landscaping it. With my second one though, definitely, I plot resetted all of them where I wanted... but I settled on general areas, not exact plots.
I definitely do. I love flowers, bushes, and trees. Villagers moving in don't seem to care about carefully crafted gardens.
I used to think I wasn't anal about house placement because I'd hear about people plot resetting for three days straight and be like, "Six hours is my max". lol. But if I'm being honest, it's important. Like, really important. I started my second town a month ago and I havent done a damn thing in it yet because I'm waiting to be able to plot Cheri and Teddy in a perfect line, and Katt has to move out first. I can't (won't) do anything to the town until that line of houses is complete.
I don't care since my town it's kinda ugly and messed up the only thing I hate is when a villager put their house just in front of mine
so I never plot resetted
but if I had a better town I will do it probably since I like lined houses
I already have specific spots saved up for all my villager plots. So yes... I plan to have my dreamies all lined up and 2 spaces apart in my new town. xD
I do now! This update has saved me so much time. I'm planning a small housing area with a pretty center courtyard and being able to use paths to line them up is a godsend.

I am letting Maple stay on her own because I don't have the heart to kick her out and reinvite her with the Amiibo card because she will no longer be my Maple. :( She'll just be the lone bear on the other side of town.
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This. I feel this. I have 8/10 of my villagers' amiibo cards but despite the fact that most of them aren't original anymore, I couldn't bear to kick them out then move them in again. They won't be "part of my town" anymore, so to speak.
I am wayyyyy too lazy to worry about paths or where new villagers are going to move in. I wish I had that kind of dedication. I do see the most amazing things in other people's towns, but I kinda prefer the natural look...
I'm kinda particular. I like to keep my house, the tree, and town hall on the upper part. Villagers live below the river and can plot anywhere except near retail, cafe, and lighthouse. It's great that we can now kick out poorly plotted villagers with the new update.
I guess part of the reason I'm so picky now is that before New Leaf, I played the GameCube version. New Leaf is ridiculously tiny. There's barely room for ten villagers and four players, much less all the buildings you need to build, and only when those things are out of the way can you start considering paths, parks, gardens, and PWPs. Good luck if you want orchards and forests too! On the GC, you could Pretty much garden your heart out and still have acres undeveloped. So yeah, compact housing is important to me.
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Not really, but sometimes I'll see where they put their house and I'm like, "Really? That's where you're putting it?"