Do you consider "Fun Size" candy fun?

Do you think "Fun Sized' candy is actually fun?

  • Yes! Mini candy bars are more fun!

    Votes: 36 26.9%
  • No! Giant candy bars are more fun!

    Votes: 98 73.1%

  • Total voters
I don't often eat candy...But fun sized bars are just useless. You spend more time unwrapping the damn things than you do eating them.

When I occasionally do buy candy bars, I go for the full sized/uber sized version.

I would rather just take a savage beating than waste money on 'fun sized' versions of things...Because they're just never fun.

Has anyone seen those gigantic Snickers, Reeses, York, Rice Krispies and Hersheys they've been putting out in some stores recently? I think it's for Xmas only. They're like 1-5lbs each, I think the huge hershey one is 10lbs. Now those are fun size.
i'm rly short so people think it's fun to compare me to fun-sized candy.
they're disgusting people and i want nothing to do with them or fun-sized candy.
I do not. I want to savour the glory of a massive bar of chocolate, not feel betrayed by the undersized imitator of the chocolate world.
They're not fun, but when you sit down with a huge candy bar and make yourself feel sick, I think a fun size bar would be more preferable.
Never! Bigger sized is fun. How is small fun anyway
No, I don't mind eating a smaller amount but that just means more plastic is used /environmental rant/
I actually really like fun size candy bars, I don't have the hugest sweet tooth in the world and sometimes I find the smaller portions are closer to what my actual appetite for sugar is.
I prefer the portion of the smaller sizes these days.
The only "fun-sized" candy I've actually liked is the M&M Minis. Always loved dumping the whole bottle in my mouth lmao.
When I was younger, it was all about full-size or even giant-size candy. Now that I'm older, I really like the fun-size candy. One or two is enough to satiate my sweet tooth.
Fun? No. Suitable? Yes.

Sometimes you're in the mood for a standard sized bar or bag, sometimes you're in the mood for just a small bite sized portion. It's good that the option is there, though older posts throughout the thread do bring up the waste of plastic for the wrappers and that's a fair point.

As far as Halloween is concerned since it's right around the corner as of the time of this post, we've always given out the fun sized candies since they seemed more affordable and that means more trick-or-treaters can be attended to. I do tend to give out two candies to sort of make up for the portion size though. :p
I never thought I'd say this ever in my life, but I'm starting to like the "fun-sized" pieces. Not only does it keep me from eating a whole package in a day (and thus feel like a piggy), but the smaller sugar content keeps my teeth from hurting. (Note: for some reason, I have sensitive teeth. I've had them looked at and cleaned many times, but not a single cavity has appeared. )