Do you dream about games you've played?

joey ^_^

babey i'm exhausted
Mar 5, 2019
Green Moon Jellyfish
Dino Plush
Turquoise Squid Easter Egg
Eerie Star Potion
Do you ever play a game so much that it ends up showing up in your dreams?

Last night i woke up because i was dreamt that i was fishing in my town but then there was a shark in the river? Which probably means i spent too much time grinding on the island huhu :))))

Usually i take these dreams as a sign to play a bit less for the next few weeks to calm down.
I've dreamed about my AC town going corrupt several times. I don't think I've had dreams about any other game.
only boring dreams about vaguely playing them and things, never had one where i was literally in the game or something fun like that
YES but only when it comes to nightmares or dreams where I'm in stressful situations and I want to get out!!! It's without fail!

Whenever I'm about to get killed I'll "pause" my life and disconnect/exit to save myself and get out of that situation. It's so annoying lol. And it's always in the format of this Star Wars PC online multiplayer game I used to play lol
I don't know that I have had dreams about Animal Crossing, specifically, but Tetris Effect is a well-documented example of how games shape thought-patterns and effect sleep. After a particularly grueling day of work, I might see Excel documents in my sleep.

That said, there have been many times that I have tried to fall asleep by imagining myself in the world of Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. More than any game I have ever played, the game felt like being placed into an entirely foreign world. I loved the feeling of being alien and learning about the culture and mythos, which Oblivion and Skyrim were unable to replicate for me.
Yep. I dream about both Animal Crossing and Pokemon. Though the Pokemon dreams turn out really weird. In them I'm looking for Pokemon in the grass and when the screen has the Pokemon turn up, it ends up being this really weird glitch Pokemon that doesn't exist. It has dramatic music in the background when it starts and the dream ends by the game becoming corrupt do to that very glitched Pokemon.

My Animal Crossing dreams are another story. Whenever I dream about Animal Crossing, I dream that my character is literally living in this really cool town that's much bigger, has different environments like mountains, and longer, straight beaches. Also, it has a mining place to gather really expensive gems to sell. Let's just say, once everything in those dreams start becoming really awesome, that's when I wake up. When I do, I'm like darn it! XD
I often dream about things that are on my mind as I'm falling asleep or that I spent a lot of time doing during the day. I'll dream of work, doing chores, playing games, etc. I've even dreamt that I was reading a book. I had stopped reading on the left page, but when I picked up the book the next day, I already knew everything that happened on the right page. My mind must have created a mental image and I was actually reading it during my sleep!

But when I dream about Animal Crossing, I'm usually landscaping because I fall asleep thinking about how to plan out my town.
I also dream that I lose my save data or that my accounts containing game data were hacked.
Yes when I was younger lol I think I had a dream about being in Hyrule when I played OOT back in 98 lol
I have a few times, and they were all for new games that I was regularly overplaying (probably over 10 hours per day). The only one I specifically remember is Splatoon 1. Thankfully I don't go that overboard anymore so they haven't happened in a while. :p All of them were just dreams of playing the game, nothing interesting like being in the game at all.
Ha, all the time.
That's actually what i dream about more than regular stuff lol
Yes. Me losing to an unfair trade in a 1v1 gun fight. Made me super super bitter for the first 5 seconds of waking up just to realise it was a dream, made it into a funny experience. Have never experienced anything like that before.
I've dreamt of ACNL (probably cause I play too much), Rune Factory Frontier and 4 (used to play too much but think about alot) and Halo 3 ODST or Halo 4. I don't know why Halo, it's not like it's that compelling of a game.

I can't remember any of them specifically, but I do know I've has ACNL dreams, then was disappointed that they weren't real.
If I play a game shortly before falling asleep, it'll usually manage to appear in my dream somehow. The same goes for TV shows, movies, and anyone I'm thinking about.
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Most of the time. Whenever I just play the game, then I might have dreams bout it.
Yes! I use to have dreams about playing animal crossing and Pokemon lol or going to certain cities or places in Pokemon games
I used to quite a bit in the past, especially about the Resistance series. I can't count how many nights where I dreamed that I was fighting off the invading Chimera hordes.
I sometimes dream about games, mostly of Animal Crossing and shooters. Which makes sense because Animal Crossing is my favorite series and I can play shooters at a reasonably high level. Shooter dreams tend to be fairly mundane, probably just my brain processing those skills. Animal Crossing dreams, however, are weird.

Probably the oddest AC related dream I had was many years ago, during the era of City Folk. Initially I was just wandering through my town like normal, before discovering that the whole place was infested with alligators from the Namco game Gator Panic. They looked like they had been poorly cropped into the game with basic video editing software. I ran into my house, only to discover the alligators were in there as well. Ran upstairs, there were still alligators. At this point I was getting rather anxious, as someone is prone to be when their house is being overrun with alligators, and jumped out the window. I don't remember anything after that.
I'm not even sure if I've ever dreamed about games that i play maybe once? I don't know though i'm surprised i don't dream about games often because i'm always on some sort of game either on my laptop, phone or 3DS haha.
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