Yes, often, especially if I play for a whole day or go to sleep thinking about the game. When I played WoW years ago, I'd play so much that most of my dreams took place in Azeroth hehe.
Yes, I've had dreams of Pokemon Legends: Arceus because the game is very immersive. Like once, I dreamt that I was riding Basculegion in the ocean and seeing various species of Pokemon. I also dream about Animal Crossing once in a while since I play it frequently.
Yesterday I dreamt that I had the last unreleased Skylanders character
Heartbreaker Buckshot
If you ain’t a fan you ain’t gonna realise how mythical he is
ALL THE TIME! It’s crazy! I have dreams about games so much, it’s not every time but it’s more than I hear from many others. I can even dream about games I haven’t played in ages or haven’t played at all. A lot of the time I’m in the game or are one of the characters! It’s wild and sometimes fun and sometimes not. It all depends on the game and what happens.
Yes. I used to play a lot of Warface and I dreamt of being in a battlefield with my team. We used a lot of voice chat communication in game so my friends’ voices were clear in my dream but there were no faces.
Yes I dream about my favorite games a lot. My most recent video game dream was where I was playing splatoon 3 the day before the testfire started. I've also had a dream where I explored the comet observatory from super mario galaxy before. There are lots of other dreams I've had but I can't remember them at the moment.
Tonight was the first time I did I dreamed about my guild mates taking me along for the weekly dungeon quests I haven’t played in 3 weeks so maybe it’s a sign lol
I have never dreamed about the video games I play which is strange cause I would dream of the movies, tv shows or books I read but I spend more time playing games so its funny I don't dream at all about it.
i had a dream a long time ago about new leaf. i dreamed that i had opened my 2DS and my original save file was backed up somehow and i was able to play it. it was kind of a scary dream because my mayor had the gyroid face you can get in populations growing after not saving. i don’t remember much dreams but this one stuck with me surprisingly considering the fact that i had this dream 5+ years ago.
Yes, I am always dreaming about Sonic Adventure’s Chao Garden for some reason. Guess I just really like raising them. Makes me wish it was finally in later Sonic games, honestly.
don't think i've ever had a dream about a videogame in any way before. atleast i don't recall - though i've had dreams about bands / musicians that im into !
Yep, I have had quite a few dreams about Animal Crossing and Miitopia. ^^
I have also had dreams about getting new sneak peeks for upcoming Papa Louie games and ones about completely new ones that don't even exist.