I do! I've had dreams about Animal Crossing or AQW before at least. And as far as I remember there was a dream about Super Mystery Dungeon kind of recently too.
Yeah, I often dream about games. Mostly Animal Crossing, Zelda, Metroid and Castlevania. One of my best dreams was of a new Animal Crossing villager named Jussi. He was a tree (!) and you could stand on his head and he would elevate you up in the air (!!).
Same here for me. Most of what I dream about when it comes to games is Pokemon-related, lmao. It?s always either me in a battle or walking to a new place. Sometimes I?ve even seen fakemons in my dream.
All the time. Sometimes it’s games that I had been playing a lot of and I dream that I’m playing some weird variation of the game, or I randomly dream about a game I’ve played in the past. Just depends I guess.
All the time! The other night I dreamt I was in animal crossing for the gamecube so the graphics were really ****ty but I remember going into the able sisters shop and trying on clothes and i had human feet. Very cursed dream
I had a Terraria phase a few years ago where I spent an entire summer doing nothing but playing terraria all day I dreamt about it yeah and thought about it whenever I had to leave the house~ In my experience though my game addiction usually burns itself out on its own so I just let it run wild until I'm sick of the game/finish it
Yes, my most recent dream of a game wasn't too long ago about ACNL. Actually it was a nightmare, I'm pretty sure it was the night I first visited Club Tortimer and I dreamed that I was in my town (which oddly looked completely different than my in-game town) as it was getting hacked and everything was getting destroyed. There were like tornadoes and everything. I don't know if that's some foreshadowing sh** or what xD
I only used to about Splatoon 1 when they did the first test fire demo and the game wasn’t releaesed yet, I was so excited to get the game and literally couldn’t wait which somehow results in dreams of me being a squid then a kid then a squid
the only dream I ever have about games is animal crossing wild world, and its where I discover some underground night club where the online wifi connectivity still works
yes i do have them often, I even still have dreams about games I haven't played in a while, like Stepmania/FFR and 3d virtual reality games. I guess because when I enjoy a game, I become addicted to it and play it intently to the point it just becomes integrated in my brain lol
Yeah, I've had a couple of game dreams before. I usually remember the nightmare ones better, though. The ones where my games are damaged or corrupted. Perhaps the worst was my dream where Pokemon Y got corrupted. I would be pretty heartbroken if that happened for real since it still has a lot of my precious Pokemon I transferred using Pokemon Bank.
I did have a dream once where I could not tell whether it was real life or a very weird version of Animal Crossing (Weird meaning without animals). I kept thinking about closing my 3DS despite the fact everything felt real.
Yup. I once had a dream about this one game i played called Dogz. My puppy was all sad and malnourished because the last time I played the game was 3 months ago. Needless to say, as soon as I woke up, I got my 3DS, got my Dogz game and got to playing.
Yes, all the time. Especially when I first get really hooked onto and obsessed with a game, I'm guaranteed to have some dream about it. It happened with Splatoon 1, where I was running around on a stage as a squid-kid. It happened with Fortnite where I was a building pro lol. When I'm obsessed with something, it's on my brain all the time so I guess it just finds it's way into my dreams too,
Oh yes. When I played AC:NL a lot, I had recurring nightmares that my save data had been corrupted or my villagers had all moved. Of course, when the Welcome Amiibo update came out I didn't have to worry about the villagers moving anymore. Nowadays, I'll have dreams about Pocket Camp and Pokecord (a Discord Pokemon game that's not Nintendo-certified but still awesome). My most recent dream was that I caught a shiny in Pokecord. A shiny Audino, specifically. I was disappointed when I woke up and discovered that was not the case lol.
Yes, I did. The last time I played in my dreams was Mario Kart DS, but it ended in a bad note because blue shells were thrown in a short amount of time and I rage quitted.