Do you dream about games you've played?

I definitely have! One videogame that I've dreamt about on several occasions is Mario Kart: Double Dash (this occurred mostly at a time when I was playing it a lot, so it's not very surprising).
I’ve never dreamed about a game. I just dream about real life situations, I guess.
Sometimes my brain conjures up random new games in my dreams so when I wake up I'm like "damn that's a good idea actually".
I do occasionally! One time I dreamed about my New Leaf town in pretty accurate detail (except I remember there were fences like in NH), but most of the time it's just random elements from games making their way into my dream. Like, I've had dreams where I fished in a river like in AC, but it wasn't otherwise about the game. Other times, I've had dreams that just involved me playing whatever game I've been playing a lot at the time.
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Yes but it is usually about trying to achieve something in game lol. I don't even have to play the game long for it to happen.
The only game I dream about is The Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask. Whenever I play it a dream appears within a few weeks. As a kid they mostly revolved around that creepy Link statue that used to appear in creepy pastas. Even now that stare makes me uncomfortable. Nowadays the dreams are about being aware of the moon falling in three days. Unlike Link I never get equipped with items, so I just watch the clock at the bottom of my vision tick down. What’s weird is I never appear in any of the game’s locations. Instead I’m usually by a lake and ocean with one building on shore. The moon doesn’t appear either. I just know that it’s coming.

These nightmares, while scary, make me appreciate Majora’s Mask even more. The fact I’ve had countless dreams about this game shows how much it impacted me subconsciously.
i've dreamed a lot about playing games but not like being in a game particularly. i used to dream about playing sims and new leaf a lot.
Yes… Sometimes i dream i unlock an extra character in Smash Bros. Like someone who is not supposed to be there.
I do dream about them alot. Usually my dreams use games as ways to form them. Whether it's taking place in a game or random characters chilling in the background, it doesn't bother me.
Yes a lot of video game related dreams. I actually can remember most of them. Most of video game related dreams were Persona and LoZ. Also had some where it's a mixture of games. Other video game dreams I also remember were Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Monster Hunter, Terraria, and more. Those were like a rare event for me. But my dreams were not about me playing the games, it was me being as one of the characters or myself interacting with them. I remembered it all started when I had a Zelda crave in 2018. I'll try to avoid that happening again even though it's better to have instead of dreams where random or other stuff happens.
The other night I had a dream I returned to my Animal Crossing island after a year and snakes had eaten all of my villagers except Shari and Biff. The only reason I knew this was because Isabelle announced, "Bad news: Snakes are attacking the island!" And when I tried to go into Flora's house the note said "FLORA IS DEAD" with a sad face. Then I see these huge, hot-pink snakes slithering around the island. I have to round up Biff and Shari, then hop into the plane. Then my dream ended.
YES I’ve been dreaming of my island recently but that’s also because i’ve been playing an unhealthy amount for the past few days n___n I kinda love it— Makes me feel like I’m playing even in my sleep
I typically dream that I am my OC who comes from a world comprised of a bunch of different video games, and sometimes I'm in a specific video game, but usually I'm in some random, weird scenario. Sometimes her husband shows up (who is a preestablished character) and those dreams are the best :)
Sometimes but I feel like it’s rare. I haven’t had many dreams about Kirby, for instance.

My dreams tend to lean more on real life struggles.
i’m almost certain i have at some points in my life with some games but i can’t think of a specific example off the top of my head. i know not long ago there were a few days where i was almost non stop playing rf4, and my dreams tend to heavily play off of what i was doing during the day so i’d wager I definitely had some kind of related dream! im also sure at some point over the years I’ve had an ac related dream, either being on the island myself or just villagers being in my everyday life
I think that it only happened once. I dreamt that I was male Byleth facing off against Fallen Edelgard and Hubert. I think that the dream happened because I played Fire Emblem Heroes for a bit on my phone right before bed.

Most of the time the dreams are about my family and I in weird and sometimes scary situations.
not commonly, but i’ve had a few dreams about new horizons over the past couple years! i actually dreamt about it a lot in the weeks leading up to its release in 2020 as i was just so excited for it — the dreams were pretty much just what i thought gameplay would be like, but they definitely made me even more hyped haha.

the last new horizons dream i had was sometime last year i think, and it wasn’t the most pleasant. i dreamt that my save file was somehow corrupted and that i had to restart, losing my island and all the progress i’ve made. i felt so devastated and helpless when i woke up, but i was so relieved when i realized that it had just been a dream and that my island was perfectly fine. 😅
It doesn't happen too often these days, but I can have dreams involving video games. Generally, if I end up playing a given video game for pretty much the entire day, it tends to bleed into my dreams and my dream ends up revolving around that game (either being in it or playing it) or contains some elements from it. As an example, I had it happen with New Horizons when it first came out and I was basically playing it 24/7, where my dreams from that time were basically just me continuing to play NH.