Do you ever get inspiration from other people islands?


Vasea Mayor, Zenda Islander and Borelia Villager.
Jul 3, 2015
I do.
I'm not that good in Terraforming, so i do look for speed builds to see what can fit my island.

What about you? I know there are tons of creative people out there, so i know this might not apply to everyone.
I once saw an island that used a Kettlebath as a cauldron, and I took inspiration from that (until the 2.0 update hit, and it was replaced with the actual Suspicious Cauldron).

Other than that, I've visited islands and seen screenshots, but I don't think anything has resonated with me since. That's not to say they're not creative - they're just not what I wanted on my island.

EDIT: Oh, and I almost forgot - I did once see a cool path that I later found the code for. I'd been looking for one casually, and it just happened to be the perfect fit.
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Emulating what other people do is the best way to learn and gain ideas of your own, so naturally I've looked at a number of screenshots and videos for inspiration on not just terraforming ideas but also interior decorating as well.
For sure! I’m always looking at Pinterest to catch some nice areas and inspiration. My designs rarely ever look like the images, but they definitely inspire me. Sometimes I see an item and know exactly where I can put it on my island.
Or I see some nice filler area and try to create something similar on my.
Yeah I get inspiration from others, sometimes when I go through random dream islands I sometimes find something that absolutely inspires me and then I run back to my island to try to redecorate my island before I forget what the dream island looked like!
I do love looking at other's islands on social media and at dream addresses to see what people have done with their place
it's mainly when I'm trying out aesthetics/themes/cores for my island for fun then I will copy more but if I'm not doing one and just doing whatever I want with my island then I don't really copy much except small things maybe
Oh definitely. To me it's both a blessing and a curse. On one hand it really helps to know what furniture works where, what to terraform, decorating tricks (like the glowing moss sticker windows), etc... But there's just so much creative content out there that sometimes I'll get overloaded on ideas too and it's just! Agh!! Will I ever find the time/space to do everything?!?

To overcome this I've made a rule for myself to let the things that inspire me 'pass by'. Like, I'll come across something that looks nice on twitter and I'd leave a like, but I won't save/retweet it so that I can avoid going back to look at it. Then as time passes, I'd still remember the things I truly want to make, meanwhile everything else will just slip my mind eventually. Idk if this makes sense but yeah LOL
Most inspirations I try to find are for interior decorating. And I usually get those on Pinterest. Though I tend to ignore the inspiration halfway and just do my own thing.
Usually for interiors. There are a lot of interesting ways people have turned furniture around to make something else that has prompted me to try it, either with that piece or something else.

I have seen a few things outside that I've liked, but it is also in decorating, rather than terraforming. I wanted to keep my island fairly natural, so I didn't do a lot of digging. But making interesting spots as you move around the island? Yeah, that needed a push.
Oh for sure! I don’t think there’s very many original and pure organic things left. We all are drawing the inspiration from something!

I love looking at others peoples islands for some great ideas! Especially for small area builds.
No, my island I built completely on my own to where it is today, and therefore it's original. I also don't share my ideas with anyone.
I also love watching build videos and looking at inspiration pictures. This was especially true in the early days of terraforming. Once you figure out how to do a few cool things I found it was easier to come up with my own ideas to either fill in the gaps or otherwise change big builds to make them more my own. Those first few weeks of terraforming can be daunting, the space you have to fill is so large. My island wouldn't be the same without the bits and pieces of inspiration I took here and there. I think the important thing is to not get too stressed about it, experiment with some videos and do some thinking about little things you can change to make it your own and your island will come together in no time!
Yeah, all the time! I never do exact rebuilds of other people's islands, but I took inspiration and try and recapture the spirit of them in my own way as it best suits my island. It's a lot of fun and had given me a lot of wonderful ideas I'd never in a million years come up with on my own.
i absolutely do, its hard for me to imagine anything in my town without someone else doing it first haha. i try not to copy though because i like my island to have my own personality but sometimes i see something someone else did and im like


All the time! It’s always good to get inspiration from others, it can help you see and think of things for your island that you may have never thought of before! Of course I don’t straight up copy others but new insight and perspective is always nice! I also look at real world stuff for inspiration, sometimes the funnest and neatest and most likable things for yourself can be stuff you really like or know. Sometimes it’s like that saying, “do what you know” but it’s also “good to branch out”.
yes and no. i do enjoy looking at other people’s islands for inspiration and to admire all the creative design possibilities in this game, but i don’t actually try to recreate/copy the design, or even try to put my own spin on it on my island. i want my island to be as unique as possible, and even just recreating someone else’s design in my own way would make me feel like i stole it. what i do instead is, i focus mostly on the items people use in their designs (there’s so many items and customization options in-game that i forget about a lot of them haha), and i try to draw inspiration from the items.

for example, i saw someone’s post of a chess-playing area they have in their park, and that gave me inspiration to try and recreate an area that’s in the downtown area of my city on my island. it’s a sitting area framed by graffiti walls, and there’s tables with chessboard designs on them. you can’t actually play chess on them unless you happen to have the game pieces with you haha, but it’s still a really cool area. it’s actually one of my favourite spots in my city, and i’m excited to work on the recreation of it on my island further.
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Absolutely… kind of. 😋 I used to get so stressed out looking at other people’s islands on Tumblr and Reddit because they’d just make me want to destroy everything on mine and recreate theirs. I’d inevitably get disillusioned and then stop playing for months because I didn’t want to return to my hodgepodge of half created projects.

This time around (my NH renaissance ™️) I’m taking inspiration from others, but focusing on making my island woodsy, natural, and livable. I may get ideas from others’ islands, but I translate them into what works on my island with my aesthetic. AKA lots of trees, minimal furniture, dirt paths, and flowers everywhere!

There are so many good ideas and so many talented, brilliant people. I literally love seeing what others do with their islands. ❤️🏝