Do You Ever Type a Message or Comment and Just Not Send?

occassionally if something i'm about to say comes across as more aggressive than i intend it to, but not often. usually i'll say screw it and say w/e i feel. if i need to reassess i can do so later, but having no close friends makes it easier to not worry about people getting annoyed at me.
Yes. I've lost count of the number of times that has happened. I'm like anyone else and have a lot of opinions about nearly everything. But I realize most of these opinions don't matter and are just, to be perfectly candid, a waste of time for someone to read, so I often change my mind about posting a comment.

It'll probably help if I just stop... thinking. Thinking leads to opinions. I'm asking Santa for an OFF switch for my brain.
Constantly tbh. I never rly feel like anything I say is rly worth any value so when I'm typing I just kind of change my mind on saying anything at all. If there's an argument or someone says something rude to me I just don't feel like it's worth the energy so I just don't bother responding to that either.
I do this at work all the time when I'm upset with someone that reports to me. I type out my message, wait about 10-15 minutes, and then re-read it. I typically delete it and write it again so I don't sound so harsh.
All the time. I'm very careful to make sure I am always okay with what I'm posting and don't regret it immediately or later on, so there will be a lot times where I'll start typing up a message/comment/post/whatever, re-read it and think it over like 50 times then decide against posting it.
I used to, but recently I've sent everything, as long as it's not insulting. I don't really find a point in rewording things to appeal to the people I'm talking to. If they do not like my personality or how I talk, then they do not like me, so why are we friends. Plus appealing to everyone got really tiring after a while, so I've just been me.
I used to, but recently I've sent everything, as long as it's not insulting. I don't really find a point in rewording things to appeal to the people I'm talking to. If they do not like my personality or how I talk, then they do not like me, so why are we friends. Plus appealing to everyone got really tiring after a while, so I've just been me.
That’s a good way to look at it. Why walk on eggshells? It’s the equivalent to changing yourself for someone else. You wouldn’t change your hair color for someone (at least I would hope not), so why change the way you speak?
younger me would do this all the time because of social anxiety. nowadays i don't do it so much as just...not type in the first place. my motivation for posting in public is extremely random and most of the time it is at rock bottom 😅
i have gotten better at replying to strangers and acquaintances without spending 20 minutes retyping my response, at least where straightforward interactions are concerned. i dont want people feeling like they've been ignored or said something wrong and then going through their own anxiety because of it
Constantly. It feels good to just put things into words, they don't always have to be sent.
It really depends. Most times no, I just might take a bit longer to make my post. I do it sometimes with places like Twitter or some discord servers I am part of, but that's mostly because some of my friends on those places always seemed to be on the hunt just to jump down everyone's throat over anything. That got exhausting after a while so I stopped contact.
rarely, usually if i take the time to type it out might as well send it lmao
I do that ALL THE TIME and on purpose, I have a lot to say but I just don't send because when you're in your 30s+ people just judge your actions more harshly and would be critical of every word you type.
I have constantly been age shamed for making normal comments like everyone else, rants or not they might be, not being an english speaker doesn't help either.
Some of us just don't have that type of freedom or privilege anymore.
Funnily though, I did type more here but I erased it 🙂
All the time. I'll start to type out a long-winded rant and them I'm like "wait I actually don't care."
I have. It is usually when I think someone may take it the wrong way. I have been known to type things out and it come across as not intended. Tone is hard to convey over writing. Or how I view something written may not be how another views it.
Sometimes, it depends on the message and whether or not I'm not in this sort of lack of thought mood.