Do you get mistaken for the wrong age?

All the time. Most people tend to think I'm in my early twenties and when I jokingly tell them to add about ten years on to their initial guess they're then usually quite shocked. I find it funny and take their guess as a compliment. 😂
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i don’t really get mistaken for the wrong age anymore but i certainly did when i was younger. due to the fact that my body developed quicker than everyone else’s and the clothes that i would wear, i was mistaken for a teacher extremely often when i was in middle school. i would constantly be asked “are you a teacher or a student?” and while it admittedly wasn’t that big of a deal, i hated it so much and being asked that would always make me feel like **** lol. the last time this happened, i was on my way to the bathroom and two girls stopped me in the hallway to ask. i answered and continued on my way, only for them to also come into the bathroom and gossip about it while i was forced to listen in the stall and wait for them to leave so that i could get out. definitely wasn’t a pleasant experience for me. 🥴
I get mistaken for ~5 years younger than I am on a fairly regular basis. Occasionally I will get mistaken for even as much as ~10 years younger. I think this has happened a little less now that I have gotten my acne somewhat under control, but I do still have a bit of a baby face. It doesn't bother me a ton but the two instances where it does bother me is when people try to make small talk with me by asking if I'm a student or getting carded for 18A or r-rated movies 😑 just c'mon man because I definitely look at least 18!

My partner has a baby face as well (possibly even more so than I do) so when we are together this happens even more.

Age reveal? I'm 27
I look young for my age. I remember going on a family trip back in 2017. My one of my cousins thought I was 13, when I was 19 at the time.
In person, people mistake me for being an “oddly tall” high schooler, and when people hear my voice for the first time, I’ve been told I sound like a 12 year old.

I am 25.
Yes, constantly. People usually assume I’m in my early 20s but I’m actually in my 30s. I just never lost my baby face. The double takes when people see the year on my ID are priceless.
I have always been mistaken for being years or even a decade younger than I am.

In high school I was told multiple times I looked 11, once while checking out at the grocery store, by myself, with my car keys in my hand

at university when taking classes at the campus gym I was asked if high schoolers were allowed to join the gym.

As a 25 year old grad student I would get stopped at the entrance of stores during the lunch break of the local high school and asked to either leave my bag or wait (they had limits on how many high schoolers were allowed in at lunch)

Until my 20s I was painfully skinny as well, which added to my childlike look (I weighed 85lbs and was 5’3 according to my first driver’s license - don’t worry, definitely do not have that problem anymore)

But even when I started my new job a coworker remarked that I looked 19 (I was 33)

I believe I still look quite a bit younger than my actual age to people, though I am now thirty-mumble mumble.

I’ve got a round face and freckles and a sort of ‘button nose’ so I guess that is probably what makes me look young.

Also never really wear makeup, so that could contribute?

but now that I am an oldish mom, and not mistaken for a child anymore, I don’t mind so much. 😉 (Even though it never bothered me too much to be mistaken for younger, everyone told me I would appreciate it when I was older and I hated that, but unfortunately it ended up being true…:confused:)
I still get the kid menus sometimes! Unless I’m wearing a work uniform, they’ll assume I’m a child.
Sometimes. Between middle school and high school, when I went to some Civil War roundtables and reenactments, people thought I was older. But, now people think I’m younger when I’m with my mom and need her help since I have...”weird” circumstances and issues.
Yeah sometimes. I got people who think I'm 22 and ask me "Are you in college?" And, "Oh, you driving to college?" Sometimes I don't like being a teen driver in the middle of new York in a not that good neighborhood 😕
I'm 23 and people think I'm usually younger than my age. I remember when I was applying for jobs at 21, some of the managers would tell me I had to be 18 or over to apply but I was 21 lmao. I basically still look the same now so it's not any different. It doesn't annoy me because it makes me happy to know i look young since I'm kind of scared of old age and don't really want to get really old o~O
Also people think that I'm the youngest from me and my brother, but I'm the older sibling and he's 21 most likely because he's 5'11 and I'm 5'6 and he has a more mature appearance to him.
Often when people tell me the wrong age it's on purpose and it just makes me mad. I am pretty short and I have a high pitch voice, so I'm sure people have thought that I look 10 at some point.

i'm sure it will work out at some point since i'm still pretty young. i hope..
Yes, all the time. I'm an adult and people say that I look younger than my age. Several years ago, my sister and I went shopping at the store and someone told my sister that I was her mother. I was like what lol.
YES. Often people think I am in my teens when I am in my 20s. However my spouse has gray hair and he is the same age as me. People think he is way older than me. I turn 30 this year, so we will see if I end up being mistaken for 20s this decade lol.
It probably doesn't help that I am so short.
YES I LOVE IT!!! I used to hate when people would card me places. I would be like "come on I'm older than you 19 yr old." Now that I'm a bit older and people are still asking for my ID places or just not believing me when I tell them how old i am, i just get excited lol.
I'm 22 but get mistaken for a 16 yr old or someone who is under age, so I get carded when ordering adult drinks. I'm short and while I don't really have a baby face, it is absolutely riddled with acne, a common 'teenager thing' so I think people still assume I'm younger and in high school. I actually don't mind, I'd like to keep people guessing the wrong (lower) age for as long as I can, thou without the acne that will never go away would be nice.
I'm 24 but people think I'm younger because of the fat in my face lol