Do you get mistaken for the wrong age?

Do people often think you are older or younger than you actually are? I don’t mean like two years, but a bigger age gap. I’m 23, but people tell me I look 16. I’m often hit with “do you have ID?” I even got a stamp on my hand at a casino that said “over 21” I guess they give those stamps to people that look young so they’re not pestered by workers for ID. One time, I actually had someone tell me “you’re not of age.” Like, don’t tell me what I’m not. You can just ask for ID like a professional worker should. I don’t know why she had attitude. (And that was just for a lottery ticket... *eyeroll*)

If you are mistaken for the wrong age, does it annoy you? It actually gets to me more than it should, but I’m better about it now. If I’m buying adult drinks, I put the ID on the counter before they have a chance to ask.
All. The. Time. buddy, I'm 29 years old and I still get ID'd for alcohol or at bars. I've been told it's a gift but it's a bit of a pain in the butt if you were to ask me!
In the past people used to think I was younger but I don’t go out much anymore so I don’t have people commenting on how old I am.
Typically at work, people assume I’m between 18-21. It doesn’t bother me too much but they’re usually surprised when they find out I’m older. Usually the fact that I work later shifts and night shifts gives it away. I didn’t even get my first job until I was eighteen due to the fact that I wanted to work overnight, and obviously couldn’t do that in high school. I couldn’t wait until graduation, lmao.
my coworkers have expressed surprise when i have told them my age, apparently i look younger. i think it's partly because they expect young people to work there and i have braces so i look like i'm a teen when really i'm 21. a few weeks ago i had to show ID when buying energy drinks (15 year olds can buy energy drinks) :/
I turned 30 this month but no one has come close to that in the last 15 years. The most common ages are 19-21, but last year someone thought I was 15, and while I was staying in a care home after my most recent hospital stay, one nurse there thought I was 17. Helps that I've got a youthful face and I'm only 5' tall. My fashion sense hasn't really matured past my teens either. I'm still a goth at heart, minus all the band shirts.
Got mistaken for being 14 when I was like 20-21. I've been told I look younger when my face is shaved... but c'mon lol
Yeah. I'll never look past 25 years old. I'd like to think I look like I'm at least in my 20's (preferably upper 20's) but I'll get carded when I order alcoholic beverages. I'm someone who wears a face full of makeup every day and wears fun, fashionable clothing. I remember when I was 28, someone asked me if I was going back to college and I said, "I'm done with college". Which prompted them to go, "Oh so you're like 21?" When I told them, they freaked out on me and thought I was lying, lol.

Honestly, it's not all that terrible to be mistaken to be younger; I find it amusing.
I get questioned a lot when I travel alone. I’ll sometimes get asked for ID by ticketing agents or the bus driver before boarding. It’s really annoying when they don’t card anyone else but I’m starting to expect it at this point. Most of the time I’ll have my card in hand so I don’t have to pull it out from my wallet and hold up boarding.
I’m 26 and still look pretty close to how I did as a teenager. My face thinned out, but nothing else really looks much different. I still get carded for alcohol and got asked to show my ID for Doom when I bought it for the Switch a couple years ago.
When I was a month away from turning 20, I went on a trip and Mum and I ended up seated in the emergency exit row of the plane. You have to be at least 15 to sit there. As soon as I sat down, the flight attendant came over as quick as she could and asked "Are you over 15?"

Last year, when I was 21, I went to a potluck where I didn't know anybody. We all had nametags on. We were all sitting at the table and I'd been pretty quiet so one of the attendants decided to engage me in conversation by asking, "What grade are you in at school, Brooke?"
Yes, i look young for my age so people tend to guess about 7-10 years younger usually. Although one time in high school my sister's co-worker asked me if i was her mom. She's two years younger than me :|
I'm really youthful and chubby looking, and my height really doesn't help things. I've had more than a few people thought I was sixteen.

I'm ... i'm twenty-two.
Yup. I am 4'9 and pretty "young looking" so people assume I am underage or a straight up child
Constantly. Every time I go to vote, people always ask "Is this your first time voting?". Well... the first presidential election I voted in was in 2012. : | also I got carded at a recent wedding.
It depends, sometimes people do. It's really funny when it happens though because depending on context, people either assume I'm in my 30s or they think I'm a teenager. I'm currently 25.

Up until a few months ago I was working in a restaurant and for whatever reason, most of my coworkers assumed that I was still in high school. There were several actual teenagers working there that also mistook me for being a teenager.

It was very funny to see the looks on their faces when I told them that I'm a grown a** adult with a bachelor's degree who pays taxes.

Now that I have a """"""""""real""""""""" job (AKA an office job) and I have to dress for it, people assume I'm like, 35.
Yep. Im 23 but I get varried answers. Some get very close (one guess was on the money) or very far. Most guess younger because Im short due to having back surgery at a young age
People always mistake me for much younger but I don't believe any of them 🙈 I feel like people are just trying to be nice or compliment me when they say it. I feel I look old lol.