Do you get mistaken for the wrong age?

People generally think I am younger than my age. I usually get early to mid-twenties depending on my hairstyle.
Sometimes people think i'm a teen, not bad i like to look young hihihi :]
I am almost 24 and got asked just a couple days ago by a waiter if I'm over 19! Made me feel good haha :lemon:
People think that I am 18 or 19, when I'm actually 16 because I'm 5'10".
I am almost 24 and got asked just a couple days ago by a waiter if I'm over 19! Made me feel good haha :lemon:
That literally reminded me that I sometimes get a children’s menu placed in front of me at restaurants. The only time that doesn’t happen is when I’m wearing my uniform from work, which is actually more often than not because I sometimes pick up some food after work if I’m hungry.
last month someone at a car show I went to asked me if I was a senior in HS (17 y.o.) and I'm actually 22 lol. and a few days ago someone else mention that I look like I'm 16. so yeah I def get mistaken a lot 😆
Last month someone at a convention asked me how old I am. When I said that I am 28 he said "oh... I thought that you were a LOT younger".

I feel like a lot of people would probably think that I'm like 20-22 or something.

I don't mind it. If anything it's just funny.
i think for the most part people see me as more or less my age (18), although a couple of times I have been IDd for a monster even though the legal age to buy them here is 16
yes i have a lot i was told that i look 17 or 18 but im actually 15 i don't know why i think its either the way i present myself or my physical attribute
Most people think I'm way older than I actually am. I'm 21 but most people think I'm about 28.
Yea everyone loses it when I say I’m 22, but I think that’s bc people watch too much TV and don’t know what actual 20 year olds look like
Not really to be honest. I look like a super generic teenager/young adult. My mom was mistaken for being much older when she was younger though lol
I usually get mistaken for been younger then I am, I’m 25 but often when I meet people for the first time they think I’m more 20/21. It doesn’t really bother me at the moment as it’s not too far off my actual age but I feel like I look exactly the same as I did when I left high school so I’m sure I’ll still get mistaken for been 20/early 20s for quite a few years yet.
People usually mistake me for 17-18 years old, when really I'm about to turn 22 lol. Which is strange because when I went to buy alcohol last week, I didnt get ID'd. I am a smol girl so I guess I can see the confusion. Hopefully I won't look my age in my 30s-40s lol.
People usually mistake me for 17-18 years old, when really I'm about to turn 22 lol. Which is strange because when I went to buy alcohol last week, I didnt get ID'd. I am a smol girl so I guess I can see the confusion. Hopefully I won't look my age in my 30s-40s lol.
yahhh the same thing happens to me?? Frequently asked if I'm a freshman but simultaneously never carded. It's kind of worrisome honestly lmao
I'm 30 and people generally think I'm younger than I am by like 10 years.
- I'll get I.D'd for alcohol and (when I'm being naughty) cigarettes occasionally
- A guy at work thought I was the same age as him for about a year (21)
- My partner thought I was initially closer to her age when we met (now 22)
- When I say "back when I was in school" around people that don't know me well, they'll usually mockingly say "it wasn't even that long ago for you" until I correct them (I've been out of school nearly as long as I was in at this point)
- I had an angry old man at a service station a few months ago ranting towards me of how people 'my age' are to young to be on the road

Strangely enough, when I was under 18 I was always mistaken as being over 18 (assuming from all the places I drank in where I shouldn't have been). I think I just got to 21 and stopped getting older.
I definitely encountered a pedophile at the mall when I was 23. Definitely.

When I was getting my makeup done a few weeks ago, the woman asked me if I was 17 or 18. I was like “Oh, I’m older than that…”
I’m actually 25.
even though im 16, people think im 13 or 12.. i can see why though, i dress like a unfashionable tween from 2015 and i'm much shorter than most of my peers.
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Sometimes, yeah. I've been told that Asians tend to age slower in appearance (before rapidly aging in the elder years). I'm 31, but I've been called out to be in my 20s.
HA! I’m 15 and look so young that no one believes I’m a sophomore!
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Also I love glitter and wear clothing you’ll typically see on a younger girl, flip sequins, cute animals, etc. so they think I’m a little girl.