I get super motion sick in cars. I can't use my phone anymore in the car because of it. This was never the issue for years so I don't know what changed.
It doesnt happen often, but if Im on a large boat for a long time I get sea sickness. In a canoe or small boat I dont. Its only the big bois that I do.
It's rare for me to get motion sickness now, but as a kid it happened often in the car.
Idk if I'd get seasick.
Edit oh wait scratch that!! I forgot about video games!!
Alot of first person perspectives and scrolling music games make me motion sick. It may be why I'm more for handheld because I don't get sick that way if I play something like that.
I get motion sickness but really only when I’m staring at my phone in a vehicle for too long. I used to do get a bit nauseous on the schoolbus from doing that.
I've rarely ever been on a boat so I can't answer for seasickness but I do get motion sickness sometimes... I can't play games in the car because that's one of the causes of it. One time on my birthday I was playing my 3DS in the car... and yeah that did NOT go well. We almost didn't go to the restaurant that was planned.
I was reminded last March when my family and I drove to Julian, CA. The road there from the 89 freeway goes up a mountain. It was a windy road. My sister and niece both commented on it reminding them of one of those arcade driving games.
i don’t get sea sickness, but i will occasionally get motion sickness if i’m in a car for too long without any breaks or on something that’s going fast and/or making a lot of turns/spinning a lot (ex. amusement park rides). i never actually get sick, but it makes me feel unpleasant and nauseous, so i try to avoid things that could give me motion sickness as much as possible.
I get motion sick. It was way worse when I was a young child, but there are still times where I'll get motion sick in a car. Whenever I fly, I take a couple pills to prevent motion sickness.
As far as I can recall, other than amusement park water rides and bumper boats, I've been on one real boat in my life and I didn't get seasick. I don't have enough experience to say though, really.
BOTH! I knew I got car sick and motion sick real bad. I have to drive everytime I travel or its guaranteed, I also know to be the 'bag holder' at amusement parks when others wanna ride coasters. I didn't think I was a sea sick kinda guy.....until I went on a cruise earlier this year....
so NEVER doing that again. I was stuck, for 7 days, couldn't leave, even sleeping was bhbhbhbh
I get motion sick from games more often these days, but when I was in better health it was only from Spyro Reignited. Omg that game gives me a headache.