Do you have a second villager of the same personality as one of your favorite villagers?

The Loyal Rat

Feb 28, 2021
Tasty Cake
For me it feels a bit off putting when I love my favs so much, feels like it’s my favs dialogue in another villagers mouth, if that makes sense haha, so I try to avoid it.
Though I do have two snooty types that I adore and don’t mind at all, so I guess it depends on if the second villager is also one of your favs!
I have 2 smug villagers. Smug is my favorite personality and I love both Hans and Quillson (my 2 smugs)

I would rather not have my favourites be the same personality as it does take away from their character as individuals at times.

However I think normal is the most boring personality going so if i had 2 normals then I would have 2 villagers I didn't much care for instead of just 1.

Its one of those tricky ones. Ultimately I think I wish we could only have 8 villagers so this problem could never happen.
Or 2 new villager types. Preferably that one.
I've somehow had the same three normals basically since launch! I love them all, and I've only recently begun to think about switching one of them out, because I don't have a snooty right now. I also have two lazies, and I find their identical bug dialogue more repetitive than any other personality!
my preference for dupe personality really depends on the personality instead of the villager. i love jocks and peppies, but i would prefer to have one on my island. i usually dupe cranky and normal, though, and they tend to be my favs.

the jock/peppy energy is so intense and it would be too much to have two pop stars running around lol. i'm not as into the lazy dialogue so i don't dupe them, either.
I have 2 smug villagers. Smug is my favorite personality and I love both Hans and Quillson (my 2 smugs)

I would rather not have my favourites be the same personality as it does take away from their character as individuals at times.

However I think normal is the most boring personality going so if i had 2 normals then I would have 2 villagers I didn't much care for instead of just 1.

Its one of those tricky ones. Ultimately I think I wish we could only have 8 villagers so this problem could never happen.
Or 2 new villager types. Preferably that one.
Agree 100 percent with you, dude! I remember wishing/hoping that we would get 2 new personality types right before the game came out. And it would be nice if we could be able to limit our own village to either 8, 9, or 10. And yeah, it certainly is a tricky thing.
i used to be like this but there's so many villagers of of the same personality i like
katt was my favourite and she was the only uchi on my island but now i've moved her out, so she doesn't count haha

so my favourite on my island now is judy and including her i have 5 snooty villagers 😅
judy, blanche, violet, bitty and baabara
the last 3 are just temporary and will be moving out when the sanrio villagers are added

i also love raymond and didn't want another smug but then i got kyle and i'm gonna get toby later on (and hopefully wolf link when nintendo brings him back!)

but yeah, nintendo needs to add more personalites lol
Two of my very favorite villagers (Lucky and Raddle) are lazy and I refuse to choose between them so I've just gotten used to it.

Then again it's not like I really talk to any of my villagers much now anyways so I'm just less bothered by repeating dialogue in general.
I have both Eugene and Zell in my town at the moment, so they're smuggin' it up. Although I might switch Zell out, I don't mind having villagers that have the same personality. I figure they'd get along well. :p
Yes! Filbert and Zucker. Zucker is one of my favorites (who knew?) and I love Filbert too but his personality makes him seem a lot like Zucker, since they share a lot of dialogue.
I try to have a variety, but I do have dupes of 2 personalities just because I couldn't decide aha. I have 2 snooties (Judy and Diana) and 2 smugs (Raymond and marshal). All my other villagers are different personalities c:
I know exactly how you feel, which is why on my second island, I am not having more than 1 Peppy. I want Carmen to stay unique.

I may move to 10 villagers at some point, but right now I plan to try and keep the limit at 8 so there is no need at all to have a duplicate personality.

On my main island, I use to have Chevre, Lolly, and Mitzi all at the same time, and when I'd talk to Chevre, it felt like I was just talking to Mitzi or Lolly, so I got rid of her.
I know exactly how you feel, which is why on my second island, I am not having more than 1 Peppy. I want Carmen to stay unique.

I may move to 10 villagers at some point, but right now I plan to try and keep the limit at 8 so there is no need at all to have a duplicate personality.

On my main island, I use to have Chevre, Lolly, and Mitzi all at the same time, and when I'd talk to Chevre, it felt like I was just talking to Mitzi or Lolly, so I got rid of her.
Hey, nice one on having both Lolly and Mitzi, personally I think those two are the cutest normal villagers! Still actually debating on having Mitzi as my 10th villager, as I have Lolly already.
Quick question, does Mitzi wear glasses a lot? I see her wearing them all the time in pictures I see of her in NH, was just curious if what situations she wears them.
(Also, Carmen is awesome, just wanted to tell you your villagers are cool.)
The people who have said they want to keep their favorites unique make a good point! I hadn't thought about it that way before.

I plan on having multiples. It's impossible to avoid if you want the maximum population. But like pup said, probably not jock or peppy since their quirks (being *way* into fitness, being a "pop star") are more in-your-face. I'm a sucker for smugs and crankies, personally, trying hard to limit my picks for those to two.

Agree 100 percent with you, dude! I remember wishing/hoping that we would get 2 new personality types right before the game came out. And it would be nice if we could be able to limit our own village to either 8, 9, or 10. And yeah, it certainly is a tricky thing.
I thought it was possible to limit the population of your island if you wished to...isn't your player character the one responsible for selling plots to prospective villagers? In which case you could just hold off on selling the last few plots.
The people who have said they want to keep their favorites unique make a good point! I hadn't thought about it that way before.

I plan on having multiples. It's impossible to avoid if you want the maximum population. But like pup said, probably not jock or peppy since their quirks (being *way* into fitness, being a "pop star") are more in-your-face. I'm a sucker for smugs and crankies, personally, trying hard to limit my picks for those to two.


I thought it was possible to limit the population of your island if you wished to...isn't your player character the one responsible for selling plots to prospective villagers? In which case you could just hold off on selling the last few plots.
You need all 10 plots sold to get 5 stars so you're incentived not to leave them.
And if you regret it, there is no going back beyond deleting your island and starting again.

So while yes there is choice, it's not a good one sadly
The people who have said they want to keep their favorites unique make a good point! I hadn't thought about it that way before.

I plan on having multiples. It's impossible to avoid if you want the maximum population. But like pup said, probably not jock or peppy since their quirks (being *way* into fitness, being a "pop star") are more in-your-face. I'm a sucker for smugs and crankies, personally, trying hard to limit my picks for those to two.


I thought it was possible to limit the population of your island if you wished to...isn't your player character the one responsible for selling plots to prospective villagers? In which case you could just hold off on selling the last few plots.
It’s been awhile since I started, but if I remember right, I couldn’t move in my amiibo villagers any other way, I moved in 9 of my dreamies and if I recall, I had to make a new plot.
Of course I have a terrible memory, so mayhaps I’m wrong.
Edit: And Moritz put it best, I forgot about the 5 star town aspect.
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My favourite villager is Dotty and sometimes I don’t talk to my other peppy for this very reason. I do feel like it takes away from her personality when I hear her dialogue being used by another villager. I’ll probably move my other peppy out.
I have two lazies that are also part of my fave villagers and I don't mind the similar dialogue. I think it's even cuter as I imagine them as friends so they definitely copy each other's way of talking.

And I read somewhere that each personality type had two sub-types. I don't know how true that is as I didn't check the sources, but they supposedly both are from different subtypes.
I have Judy and Whitney and even though they occasionally say the same stuff, I don’t get the feeling that they’re same. I guess it has to do with them having a different voice and subtype.