Do you have a villager that likes to stay indoors?

When I first got Diana, I found her indoors most of the time. I thought it was fitting because her house is a spa, so naturally she would be a homebody because she enjoyed it there. As time went on though, I started to see her outside more and more.
I’d say Cherry. I haven’t quite figured her out yet, whether it’s that she is inside a lot or that she’s a night owl, and comes out later.
Fang likes to stay inside. He was inside during New Year's.

Ankha used to be a shut-in, but she'd recently been spending more time outdoors. For her it seems to depend on whether or not I start the game before she wakes up.
Here's the thing, Roscoe stays inside most days of the week. However, on special events like Turkey Day and New Years Eve he's out and about. He did skip Halloween though. Maybe he doesn't like kiddish stuff?:LOL:
i have audie and maple and they're both indoors all the time

if maple isn't in her own house, she's in the museum or judy's house lol
and audie is just always in her house, the only times she's outside is when she's standing in front of the airport, blocking my path 😂
I found beau is staying inside most of the time he is always stays at the flowers , watering them and fishing if he is staying outside , other than my all villagers getting turns few stays outside and inside
i just got murphy around a week ago and he never leaves his house!!!! hes also the one always crafting, hes crafted four out of the seven days ive had him lol
I find Zell and Ankha chilling at home more than the rest. When Ankha is out, she likes to hide behind my garden wagon and silently judge me from afar...
I think for me lately it has been Chrissy who is usually in her house or someone else’s house but she’s hardly ever crafting, she’s just enjoying the solitude of her home lol

Reneigh seems less likely to be outside for me. She also lives quite out of the way compared to most of my villagers, so I notice more that I have to go to an effort to visit her.
I don't have any villager that likes being indoors exclusively, but most of the time I can find Raymond indoors. I guess he's overworked in the office? :p
I feel like I see my villagers spending an appropriate amount of time indoors and outdoors. However, for both Turkey day and Toy Day Jambette stayed indoors for that. She has also been present in 3 of my villager's birthday parties. She's definitely a homebody lol.
Ursala for me, she's that villager that I see wandering around only every once in a while since she usually stays inside or very close to home. Maybe Del too? Those two were the villagers that were home during the New Year stuff, as well.

I think it kinda fits their personalities (a sisterly and a cranky), but looking at the other answers that's probably not a thing?
I have Ursula too and she's always inside. But I've been playing late at night recently and she's the only one up at 2am which is probably why she sleeps in so late!
I have Ursula too and she's always inside. But I've been playing late at night recently and she's the only one up at 2am which is probably why she sleeps in so late!

She does that for me too and I like that about her. I tend to play late a whole lot, and she's one of the few villagers I see at those times even if she does stay inside a lot! :)
I feel like unless there's an event (and even sometimes when there is an event) most often Vladimir is in his hose. I'm thinking 75% of the time he's home. The same is true for Merengue and Diana but they're home about half the time only. I find they're rarely on the plaza or doing things around the island. My lazy villagers are actually the most active, I find them in all sorts of strange places. I sometimes wish they'd force them all out once and a while and just leave one to craft. There have been times where days passed and they never came outside. Weird!
Filbert is usually always inside for me. But, he's usually the one crafting as well.
Nope. I play multiple characters, so the game cycles through all that and everyone ends up outdoors eventually.