Do you have any internet friends or in an E-Relationship?

My 2 very best friends I met in online gaming forums. We all video chat every day now. We have been friends for over 4 years 💕
I still talk to friends from my guild of almost two years on discord and one of them even visited us! The hubby and I live in Hawaii! It was amazing and we all still play rando games as well c:
I have a few good internet friends I speak to often. All were met through this site :' ). I'm not very active anywhere else. I feel guilty though as over the past few years I've gone through phases of being very inactive online when real life has taken over. But good friends will always be there no matter how long you disappear for so that's good to know. :- )

I've never met any online friends irl, but I would be very open to it one day!
I met my long-term boyfriend on an MMORPG video game called Vindictus. He lives in Vancouver, Canada and I live in the US. We're about 1,300 miles apart but we've managed to stay together for almost 5 years now (it'll be 5 years in October!). I was 18 and he was 19 at the time, now I'm 23 and he's 24 this year :) (though we have met in person over 10 times and taken multiple vacations together throughout the course of our relationship!)

Going back even further, I still talk in a discord chat with some close friends that I made almost 10 years ago. I was only 13-14 years old at that time if you can believe it! I'm the baby of the chat as all of them are older than me (they're late 20s going into 30s now). We all met over a small "DDR" type game called Audition. I have met two of them in person, one at an anime convention in Los Angeles and the other while I was vacationing in Vancouver. It's amazing how long friendships can last over the internet, whilst IRL friendships tend to come and go.
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I don't really have any internet friends nor have I been in an e-relationship but it's been really interesting reading everyone else's experiences! I think I'm just a bit too paranoid for internet friendships :p
Yeah I def. have some internet friends here that I chat with both on forums and on Discord with daily. Though we might never meet IRL nor send each other stuff I'm very grateful for them.
I’m going to be honest. I don’t have any good friends that I’ve met on a forum, although I wouldn’t mind making a good friend or two on a forum. I had a best friend that I did meet on another site that I’m on, but we’ve both drifted apart and I don’t talk with her anymore. I do make conversations and discussion on forums.