Pokémon Do you have any traditions for your Pokemon games?

- I won't do this anymore but I used to reset the game whenever I was about to lose a Pokémon battle 😝
- I always name a Pokémon Baxy, after the A, B, X, Y buttons on the Nintendo consoles
- I always check all the trashcans!
My traditions are:
- Keeping my starter on my team.
- Using Pokemon I like even if there better options.
- Having a water type on my team with surf.
- Having a flying type on my team with fly.
- Using moves that have 100% accuracy and good power.
- Have at least one new Pokemon other than the starter from the current gen.
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I usually always play the girl character if its available. I used to name my character after my real name until I realized that I don't want to wonder trade with my actual name on the line...

Recently, I've been nicknaming my Pokemon after foods (vegetables and fruit mostly) and spices (like pepper and paprika).

However, I realized that if I nickname my Pokemon (especially beyond gen 3...) I never end up remembering what the Pokemon's actual name is. Totally forgot so many X/Y/Sun/Moon/Sword/Shield Pokemon names due to nicknaming... So I've only been nicknaming permanent team members right before the Elite Four to try to mitigate!
- Plan my team in advance. If it’s a new game in a generation then I’ll choose whatever revealed Pokémon look the best.
- Don’t use any legendaries.
- Never use repeating types in my team
- Spend most of my money on healing items
- Keep all of my Pokémon at the same level. This keeps them balanced and gives the game slightly more difficulty.
The starter and first caught Pokémon stay on the team, always. If I feel like it, they get nicknames.

I still play the game like my first game the red version in 1997: no strategy with stat changing moves (save for paralizing or sleep inducing moves to catch Pokémon) and hardly any moves that deal no damage. Not a competetive player, so this strategy has served me well for the past 20ish years playing games :p just stomp through anything with the overlevelled starter basically
Every Pokémon game I’ve played, I always spam buttons when catching a Pokémon to try to increase the catch chance. I know it doesn’t do anything, but I try lol
Every Pokémon game I’ve played, I always spam buttons when catching a Pokémon to try to increase the catch chance. I know it doesn’t do anything, but I try lol
I still try to hold the A button to increase my chances of catching a Pokémon even though it does not do anything.
1: At least one Shiny in the team.

2: Don't rush things and het everything as you wish to have it. It doesn't matter how long it takes (i personally hate this one).

3: Shiny Umbreon is a must have (if Umbreon is the game of course).
I must have a Jigglypuff called Cuddles, Manley/Primeape Called F. (For Furious) George, a female Absol named Cassandra, a Ditto called Xerox, and a Klefki called MissingKeys.
I always name my player character after my real name. I used to use all caps but broke that 'tradition.' I try to nickname my Pokemon, unless it's a new Pokemon that I'm trying to learn the name of.
I don't think I have any real "traditions"...but I do tend to try to build my team with about half new Pokemon and half "old" or "classic" ones. (This is really just depending on which Pokemon are available in the beginning, and how much I care for them). But, yeah...I do always make an attempt to use the new ones in each game. Sometimes it is more than half, and sometimes it is less than half...but an attempt is made. - Not really sure how Scarlet and Violet are going to work out for me...but, hopefully there are enough early options to work with.
* I nickname every caught and gift Pokemon (if nameable). I give certain Pokemon species/gender combinations the same name as well - too many to list all of them. I do not nickname Pokemon while hatching for IVs/shinies, and I also don't nickname Legendaries.

* I always pick the female PC and name her after myself, except in Gen 1 where I pick a name that will generate a Kabutops fossil MissingNo.

* I have a Scolipede on my team in every game that it's available in. Specifically, a male, non-shiny Scolipede nicknamed Dozer for both its sleepy disposition and signature move (RIP Bulldoze 😔).

* I typically start a new game with a pre-prepared Venipede egg (as soon as possible), then fill the rest of the team with Pokemon that I happen to like, without any sort of theme or any rules related to new/old Pokemon or type diversity. Any naturally caught shinies get put in the team as well. I don't care overly much for EVs/IVs during the initial playthrough. Post-game, I plan out my Battle Tower team, typically either mono-type or based around some other type of theme.

* I typically keep my entire post-game Team in the same type of Pokeball so that they all match.

* If I use any Legendaries or starters, I limit myself to one per team.

* I'm picky about the genders of my Pokemon, but I don't care about keeping to a specific gender ratio in my teams.

* I do not allow my Pokemon to faint. I'll always reset to ensure that doesn't happen. Because of this, revives are useless to me and I will always sell them. Otherwise, I don't set limitations on the sorts of items that I use.

* I order Pokemon moves with any STAB moves first, followed by non-STAB attacking moves, then non-damaging moves, with Protect on the bottom if applicable.

* I like to level my team in increments of five. This sometimes makes things difficult depending on how many Pokemon I have in my initial playthrough team.

* I've always held buttons down while throwing Pokeballs. Once, while trying to catch a Pokemon, my boyfriend told me to press up, down, right, left, A, A, A. It worked instantly, so I've been doing that combination ever since. It hasn't let me down yet!
* I order Pokemon moves with any STAB moves first, followed by non-STAB attacking moves, then non-damaging moves, with Protect on the bottom if applicable.
I do this too! I order all my damaging moves first by STAB then coverage. I also order all the damaging moves by base power. Moves that have calculated power, like Low Kick or Heavy Slam, are always ordered last. I also put non-damaging moves that share the mon's typing first.
As a kid I used to hate nicknames cus of the anime. Ash called all his mons by their species name so I figured that's how I should play too. But now as an adult my tradition is to make sure every one of my mons has a nickname.... even if it takes me ages to come up with one. Makes them feel like family this way. There have been times where I'd be stuck for an hour or two thinking of a nickname before I could progress in game.
when i nickname my pokemon i like to give them elemental-based names (e.g. umbra for a dark type, ember for a fire type, etc.).

admittedly though i've made a habit of having a team of only eeveelutions and naming them after sailor moon characters lol...
  • Most of the time I choose a plant starter. Not because of the typing, but because somehow the plant starters usually appeal to me most design wise.
  • I tend to have a core team that I use for the whole game. While I catch as many Pokémon as possible, it’s unlikely I replace a member of the core team even if I catch the same Pokémon with better stats. Sometimes I have a second team for specific occasions.
  • I only nickname core team members.
  • I usually always have a Togekiss with the same build in my team.
  • Every team member has a different typing. I rarely keep two Pokémon of the same type in my core team and NEVER more than two. I want a balanced team.
  • My trainer name is always the same. It used to be Luria, now it’s Aquilla.
  • I rarely (if ever) use legendaries on my team.
My starter has to fight the Champion's (or other final opponent's) final Pokemon, or at least deal the finishing move. Always thought it was a neat idea - your first Pokemon landing the final blow on the final boss of story mode.
All the pokemon in my team must be female! . I also tend to name them after food, but that's not a rule per se, just something I noticed I do often.

I like to catch my pokemon with cute pokeballs, so I always wait a bit before building my team. I like heal balls, luxury balls and love balls, I use the one I can find first in the game (the way you can't change your starter's pokeball and so will always mismatch the rest of the team will always haunt me tho)
I always keep my starter and build my team around them. Usually but not always I pick Fire one. I have a fire water grass core. No type overlaps. No more than 2 Pokemon on the team can share a weakness to a certain type. Nearly always have a Psychic type (my fave). My character is always female and I prefer female Pokemon on my team 4-2. All team members are nicknamed but I don't normally nickname any others. I don't use legendaries. I'll go out of my way to get the right natures for my team. If there's a cat starter I'm using it. 🐱 Also if there is a purple outfit that's the one I choose for my character.