do you have depression?

do you have depression?

  • no

    Votes: 31 11.0%
  • no but sometimes i think i am depressed

    Votes: 29 10.3%
  • no but i have another mood disorder that is similar to depression

    Votes: 10 3.5%
  • yes but it's mild or moderate

    Votes: 76 27.0%
  • yes and it is severe

    Votes: 72 25.5%
  • maybe/probably

    Votes: 37 13.1%
  • unsure

    Votes: 19 6.7%
  • other

    Votes: 8 2.8%

  • Total voters


ʕ •̀ o •́ ʔ
Jun 9, 2015
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Fresh Feather
Cool Feather
Glam Feather
Sweet Feather
Star Glow Wand
Heart Glow Wand
Star Glow Wand
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April Birthstone (Diamond)
November Birthstone (Topaz)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
more and more people are depressed and it seems that depression is here 2 stayyyy and will keep affecting more and more people!! so i was how many of you all would consider urselves depressed bc thats fun to talk about idk.
just vote what you think, i dont care if youre 12 and sad often or if u have 30 therapists who all agree that youre the most depressed person theyve ever met, depression is depression so just vote whatever u feel like.

also feel free to share some sad stories from ur life or something if you want to. it's not like a disorder can describe everything thats wrong w someone so if you wanna share go aheaddddddd
I'm currently going through cycles of being kinda depressed then really happy again and it's kinda weird. I get depressed when I don't feel confident in myself and I feel like no one in the world could ever care about me. I start to feel extremely lonely because of it and end up being really quiet and push people away. It'll only last a day or two and then I'm back to being extremely happy and loving life.

I feel like it all boils down to when I was younger, I was bullied during one year of school when i was trying to make friends with people and socialise for the first time. This one kid just kept on talking down to me and calling me things that I dare say here. It was relentless and would happen anytime I tried to talk to anyone. It made me end up changing myself a lot, I ended up being extremely quiet and slowly started to be more self conscious of my appearance. I started wearing ankle socks, putting product in my hair and wearing different clothes.

Today I've overcome a lot of my issues I had from that time but I still find it almost impossible to socialise unless I already am quite familiar with the person I'm talking to. I also still have those moments of depression where I just want to run into a forest and hide for the rest of my life.

That's the first time I've ever told anyone about why I am who I am today. I guess it's kinda good to get it out there.

I find it terrible how many people are depressed now days, I think it's a lack of social engagement since everything is online, but I hope anyone else who suffers stays strong and gets the help they need by talking about their depression as that's the only way you'll get help.
Sure do, been dealing with it for a long time now. It causes me a lot of problems, most of them caused by my ever-growing apathy towards life and other people, but I've always handled the sadness pretty well. I'd say I have a bad phase like every 3 months, and whining on random internet forums definitely helps combat the "keeping it inside" problem while also not burdening anyone left in my life. It's sad that depression is becoming a common problem, but more informatiom sure does bring a lot of misery. Maybe the fact that generations are more intelligent and informed than ever means that kids in the future will suffer less and less. And more visibility means more understanding, I hope. Until then, I guess we have AC2k19 to live for.
Used to have it really bad, attempted suicide twice. Now I love myself I'm so hot, also in a better place.
Sure do, been dealing with it for a long time now. It causes me a lot of problems, most of them caused by my ever-growing apathy towards life and other people, but I've always handled the sadness pretty well. I'd say I have a bad phase like every 3 months, and whining on random internet forums definitely helps combat the "keeping it inside" problem while also not burdening anyone left in my life. It's sad that depression is becoming a common problem, but more informatiom sure does bring a lot of misery. Maybe the fact that generations are more intelligent and informed than ever means that kids in the future will suffer less and less. And more visibility means more understanding, I hope. Until then, I guess we have AC2k19 to live for.

I was actually feeling depressed on the day they announced AC2019. As soon as I heard the news and saw the trailer I instantly was at maximum happiness and told all my friends. Nintendo cured so much depression around the world that day ^-^

I find playing games helps so much with depression as it allows you to escape every day life.

I will say ontop of that, rather then having an apathy towards others I get extremely envious when I see others socializing or when people are out with their friends. It's one of the things that can trigger my depression sometimes :(
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I have it and still in a bad place. Not helping my country isn't the brightest when it comes to mental health, I just want to leave this place and start a new life somewhere.
hellfish: yikes, that sucks.
i don't really agree w the last things you wrote though, yes, talking about it is important but it's not the only way to get better (but if you refuse to talk about it chances are you actually do need to talk about it....), and the reasons why so many are depressed isnt so simple that you can say it's because of the internet. i get that you didnt mean to be like "internet bad" but i think simplifyibg the causes of depression makes it more difficult to understand and help people

Used to have it really bad, attempted suicide twice. Now I love myself I'm so hot, also in a better place.

hellfish: yikes, that sucks.
i don't really agree w the last things you wrote though, yes, talking about it is important but it's not the only way to get better (but if you refuse to talk about it chances are you actually do need to talk about it....), and the reasons why so many are depressed isnt so simple that you can say it's because of the internet. i get that you didnt mean to be like "internet bad" but i think simplifyibg the causes of depression makes it more difficult to understand and help people


You're absolutely correct. I apologise for how I worded that, in all honesty that is how my depression carried on. All my friends organized events on social media and I've never gone on social media to this day, in that way I lost the majority of my friends. As you know I've been self conscious so having an online profile was a big no. Back to my first post, gaming helped me socialize a lot, I have animal crossing to thank for that. My gaming profile on steam etc. is also to me a way to share stuff privately to lots of people, which helped me lots.

This is an extremely diverse and sensitive topic so thank you for pointing out my errors in my post, I really appreciate that and reading it back that wasnt my intention.

Thanks again ^-^

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also Google is stalking me again because my youtube feed is full of videos of people playing ac to help them during bad times.
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I've been told by psychiatrists that I have depression and OCD but another psychiatrist says he thinks I have BPD about a year ago

so maybe, I'm not sure. Currently not on any medication

been meditating a lot and learned quite a bit from therapy, which helps
I am honestly unsure. I go through month long periods when I have little motivation and feel unhappy with my life, but I'm starting to think it's possibly caused by OCD (which I know I have) + a general lack of self confidence rather than a depressive disorder. Until recently I thought it was seasonal depression because every time it had happened it was in the winter, but then this year it happened in the summer which totally threw me off. So I tried to examine it more, and I realized that the main reason I was distressed (other than constantly feeling like I'm an awkward boring person that nobody could really like) is that I had a constant, vague, looming sense that things were Wrong. Like, similar to when I turn off a light-switch and my brain goes "no, that was Wrong, turn it back on and turn it off again two more times." Except it lasts for months and can't be fixed by flicking a light-switch. So maybe I just have long OCD episodes, or maybe I really do have mild depression, idk.

Aside from the weird month long things, I do get really sad some individual days and just want to cry because I feel super insecure and lonely and overthink + get anxious about little things, but I just attribute it to anxiety and life in general rather than depression
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im unsure. when i was a whole lot younger i think i could have had depression. nothing was really causing it, my life was fine but it was just a constant feeling of being far away and everything feeling dull and dragged out and i did have a lot of suicidal thoughts. luckily i broke out of that after 1 or 2 years but i wasnt exactly happy afterwards but i just didnt want to die that badly lol. my next trip was actually in december 2017 due to a figure i looked up to passing away from suicide. this time i had planned and researched about suicide but i decided i wouldnt carry it out for the sake of the people around me. im doing a bit better these days, mostly because im distracting myself with piles of school work. i have an important concert coming up which is the only thing that is keeping me going and keeping me grounded atm. the band im going o see was the thing that pulled me out of that suicidal state starting in dec 2017. eventhough my days are a bit fuzzy and i have terrible days im better than before.
I think I may have bipolar, but it don't really express it ever. It's always in my head.
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I do. I keep trying to tell myself I don't, because I've seen 2 different therapists and even tried a medication, and nothing has helped me.

I don't think it's really bad, though. A lot of my issues stem from things like ADD and OCD, not depression. But it's definitely there.
Used to have severe depression, but I overcame it and other things pretty much on my own. :)
i'm not sure honestly, i've never been diagnosed with depression (although my best friend irl who is a mental health nurse is pretty sure i do), some days i can hardly get out of bed, take care of myself, do basic tasks such as go to school or write an email/phone someone, cry constantly, push all my friends away, i'll feel like i almost don't want to exist anymore and then the next day.. i'm fine? i can't help but attribute it to where i am in life (don't have a stable job, still in uni, hate my part time job, don't have many friends, person who means a lot to me lives far away etc, not happy with looks) and i think if i could resolve all these problems then i'd feel fine but i do wonder if that's true..

i'm not sure, i think i definitely go through phases of depression but overall i'm alright with myself, if i do have depression i don't think it's severe, i don't have thoughts of suicide (when i say i don't want to exist, it's more in that moment, i don't actually think of doing anything serious) or harming myself but i do think things will improve over time as i resolve the issues that bother me
huh. i thought i posted here, but i guess i didn't. whooooops

i've had severe depression for quite a while with some bipolar traits. been professionally diagnosed since i was 11 or 12. but considering how it's negatively affected every single area of my life, interfering heavily with my education and interpersonal relationships, and even affecting basic things like eating and sleeping. i don't want to go into the mental trainwreck that is my brain, but two of the things i also have are ptsd and severe anxiety, which pretty much makes everything worse.

but tbh "depression culture" is extremely toxic. it creates an environment of anti-recovery and almost encourages you to not get help. i used to be in that hivemind for YEARS and it still affects me, as i'm currently too scared to get a therapist due how deep the "tendrils" go.

tldr; depression is bad water is wet fire is scary and don't glorify mental illness
i have no idea theres just a lot of shame and embarrassment in my life lately its been really hard to keep track of everything
I want to say no, but I'm too scared to. For one, I'm scared of it coming back and secondly I feel like I still have mild bouts of it. Honestly I'm a bad judge of my own emotions so I don't know right now.

I know I've definitely had it in the past, especially through my high school days. There was a lot of times were I was extremely unmotivated and just very unhappy with myself, and just unhappy overall. There were days where it was a struggle for me to get out of bed. I'd get dressed, only just, and then literally drag my feet around to get anywhere. I couldn't focus in classes, barely had the energy to interact with anyone including my family who I live with.

At the time I didn't really deal with it, like at all. It took me years to figure out I was actually depressed and highly stressed out, with probably underlying anxiety as well. I did go to counselling, but he just made me feel like my problems weren't my own, basically saying "why are you upset? These aren't you're problems." The only good thing I got out of that experience is someone to talk to.

And yeah, maybe that is true. Maybe I do take on problems that aren't my own, especially when it comes to my family. I don't know why, but it sure is hard to avoid those problems when you're in that environment 24/7. It's hard not to be affected by the abuse around you, even if it isn't directed towards you. There is one thing I know for sure that has rooted from my family, and that is my low self-esteem. And I'm pretty sure my anxiety has probably rooted from them too.

Anyway, fast forward to now, I'm on antidepressants to deal with said anxiety, but I've noticed that it's definitely helped the depression side of things. I never have any suicidal thoughts anymore (when I say suicidal, I don't have a plan on acting on them, just generally not wanting to exist). For a few months I was feeling much much happier with myself. My self confidence got a boost too. I haven't had a depression phase for a long time now.

The only problem I have with myself now is my increasing feeling of numbness. I've noticed it over the last few months that sometimes I literally feel nothing. It becomes really hard to tell if I'm bothered by something that's on my mind, or the opposite I just don't feel any happiness. I don't know if this is from undealt with depression, anxiety, stress or just medication I'm on. Probably a combination of all lol.

Overall, I guess I'm in an okay/satisfactory place right now. Not super good, but not bad either.