Do you have friends who are married?

I do, but I'm on the brink of turning 30. And I've been with my partner for 7 years, so while that's not the same as a marriage, we do have shared bills and expenses, a pet, a rental house, etc. So there isn't a huge gap in life stages or anything.

My social group is pretty small these days, but I really enjoy my one set of married friends. I am closer to one of them and will spend time with her individually, but I also enjoy hanging out at their house and discussing shared interests and world issues with them both. I'm not uncomfortable around couples at all, unless it seems like the dynamic between them is unhealthy in some way. (Which is all too common--but certainly not inherent to the experience.)
not yet !!!!! it's still crazy to me that some of my high school friends/classmates are engaged

i do have a friend that isn't planning on getting married but he's expecting baby #2 with his partner !! 🥺🥺
I’m not friends with anyone married. It doesn’t make me uncomfortable, but usually I have a different mindset than married people. (ie: I like traveling and moving around a lot, and you tend to not get that freedom in a marriage.)
My partner is my best friend and he’s married… to me :lemon:

We’re somewhat introverted and have moved around a lot so neither of us have many close friends we keep in touch with.

We’re coming up on 2 and a half years of marriage. I will say the majority of our acquaintances are all married, but it’s a bit harder to find couples we relate to. We do not want children, but most people we know have kids.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, it’s just not too often we come across couples similar to us!
Nope! I've had several grade school and high school classmates already engaged, married, and some have kids as well though. None of my close friends are married, but most of us are in long-term relationships (between 5-10 years) so we like to joke around thinking which one of us would get married first, haha. We're all still trying to find a good footing financially or are finishing career goals before settling down. :)

If anything I'm really really impressed with my batchmates who are already stable enough to settle down, that's definitely the endgoal 😭💕 I always feel like I'm not ready because I have so much on my plate so marriage is just not in the near future. My boyfriend understands though and is also in the same position where he wants to finish his masters before settling. :) I'd probably be 30 by the time I get married, but honestly I don't feel like I'm in a rush!
I met my best friend online when I was a kid. She was already married with children when I met her. We just clicked immediately. She practically watched me grow up.

Friends for 7 years this March.

We fell out in mid 2023 but reconnected a couple weeks back.

I wouldn't trade our friendship for anything.
i’m 25 and i know high school acquaintances (straight) who’ve been married with kids since we were like, 23-24.

alternatively, my close friend from high school (lesbian, 26) is divorced.

two opposite ends of the spectrum there…

more commonly, i know a lot of gay + trans couples my age who are like, basically functionally married, because they’re in very committed relationships and have moved in with their partners. like me! : )
I’m not married and I don’t have any friends who are married. I mean I’m 15 so :p

Edit: I did NOT think : and p would turn into that emoji 💀
I didn't stay friends with anyone I met during school, so no? None of my close online friends are married either, so far.
I also don't plan on getting married myself at all.
me…and my boyFRIEND…in the future..

srs: I’m pretty sure I have a few but it’s generally not a topic that comes up because I’m not close enough with most people to hear about their relationships regularly and I’ve probably forgotten they’re married.

I can remember a couple off the top of my head but I also know I forgot some y’know. I have friends who had kids too.
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My partner is my best friend and he’s married… to me :lemon:

We’re somewhat introverted and have moved around a lot so neither of us have many close friends we keep in touch with.

We’re coming up on 2 and a half years of marriage. I will say the majority of our acquaintances are all married, but it’s a bit harder to find couples we relate to. We do not want children, but most people we know have kids.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, it’s just not too often we come across couples similar to us!
That's really cute, I love that you married your best friend ♡
Not currently. I'm only 23, and most of my friends are around my age, and the only ones in committed relationships are not married. In fact, even my friends in their 30s are not married.
I'm 27, and married to my husband.
In terms of our friends, only one other couple is married.
A few are engaged (and planning their weddings in the next couple of years!) and some are long-term boyfriend & girlfriend.
I used to have a childhood friend that got married but we don’t keep in touch anymore
Mostly no. Though I don't really have a lot for friends in how I view friends. I feel like adult friendships are pretty different.. or maybe it is just the era change from when I was younger.
I also feel like many times married couples with kids seek out other married couples with kids for friends just so they can throw their kids into play dates or have someone to trade watching times so they can have a date night now and then. If that works for them that's great but I feel that it is a little, sad. But either way, being married without kids or just being a single person without kids will give you a different experience with having friends that are married with kids in my opinion. And in my neck of the woods, it isn't common to find a married couple without kids. So for us who are married without kids, it can be hard to find friends who are also married. Not that we are seeking married friends in particular. It doesn't matter to us.

We do have new friends however, and yes I consider them actual friends because we frequently meet up to eat together and visit. And they are married. I don't feel it is any different than a mixed friend group.
The meet ups are pretty relaxed and all sorts of things are talked about... Just like any other friendship. Sometimes they bring their kids and we are fine with it. At first they'd apologize all the time for behavior they felt may be unpleasant but realized it doesn't bother us and are more relaxed about it. Sometimes they they don't bring their kids and when they don't, they seem talk more about things that bother them.
I'm early 30s and all of my best friends are married or engaged, I'm extremely happy for them ! I've never really thought much about being the only one who isn't since I've always been pretty vocal about not getting married hehe (just not for me, love other people's weddings!!)