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Do you have that one villager that always sings?

Most of my villagers will sing every once in a while, but Zell does it the most by far. I swear he spends more time per 24 hour day singing than not singing. He sings in the plaza, he sings while walking up and down the beach, he sits on the river bank and sings to the fish as they swim by.
marina sings all. the. time. its adorable! i recently found her and zucker singing together at my plaza, and it was rly fun making them sing whatever songs i had available.

julian also shows up to sing quite often, but he ends up dancing half the time whenever others are singing. i think he might prefer to do it solo, which doesnt surprise me. i also surprisingly found dobie singing once, but as soon as i tried to record it, he stopped, looked straight into the camera, and walked off. he wasnt having any of it lmao!
In order for a villager to sing, do we need to put a microphone outside?
some of them will sing without microphones or music players, just by themselves! but music players do let them sing along to a wider variety of songs. i dont think you need microphones specifically!
Pashmina sings more than any other villager. She's super cute doing it too, and why she's become one of my favorites!
it used to be renee but now it's marshal!! agreeing with all the previous people who said marshal. he keeps singing near rivers like some sort of marshmallow siren lol
some of them will sing without microphones or music players, just by themselves! but music players do let them sing along to a wider variety of songs. i dont think you need microphones specifically!
Ok, I'll put an outdoor radio outside then. Just have to order one from the catalogue.
Quillson is singing almost every time I see him. His best song is definitely Welcome Horizons :love:
marshal! i thought he was only singing because he was near the stereo, but then i find him singing by the plaza. sometimes i catch him singing outside other villagers' house, like muffy, and i can find them waking up earlier than usual lol
Not just one but several. Usually it's Sprocket and Pietro though. I only want Kabuki to sing because he has a beautiful deep voice. The singing is cute but their voices are too high pitched!
Lionel. In fact a lot of my villagers sing, but where most of them go to the plaza to sing, Lionel just sings constantly anywhere and regardless of what else he happens to be doing at the time
Literally nonstop singing from Keaton. I love the guy, but something about him singing twinkle twinkle little star before going to sleep in his racecar bed seems a bit... juvenile?
marshal sings occasionally but cherry is the only consistent one that sings everyday
Marina for me. I've found her singing in all sorts of places, and sometimes she does it for hours on end.

Oddly, none of my villagers ever sang until she moved in, but now I catch the other ones doing it occasionally, too. Pango and Tangy have definitely picked up Marina's hobby!
Cherry sings all the time in my town. I think it's quite fitting, since she seems like the type to be really into music.