Do you like Coco?

Do you like Coco?

  • I LOVE Coco<333

    Votes: 66 54.5%
  • I guess.

    Votes: 35 28.9%
  • NOOOOO!!!!!

    Votes: 20 16.5%

  • Total voters
I think she's adorable, love her design, and the fact she's the only normal personality rabbit just makes her that bit more unique.
I like her, I have her in my town, her house has a nice bamboo design on the outside which I like the look of having it in my town
I wish there was an "I like her" option since I don't LOVE her, but I don't hate her. And "I guess" makes me sound unsure :\
While she's not my favourite normal, I can see the charm in her. She actually reminds me of the days of the GameCube AC due to that infamous travelling glitch.

However, I have to admit, first time I saw her, she creeped me out a bit.
her eyes are too triggering for me due to my extreme eye phobia so i can't really look at her, therefore i have to say no :( she's probably lovely though!
I love that rabbit, I wish we have more normal rabbits though.
But...she has K.K. Dirge.....why?
I don't mind her in other peoples' towns, but I do find her extremely creepy. She reminds me of a ghost or a possessed doll. I think what scares me the most about her is wondering how she got to be the way she is, completely hollow with no eyes or mouth.
I absolutely adore Coco. I actually intend on getting her in my second town once I start to develop it.

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I also just logged into my game to find her in my campsite. ;w;
No. I think she's creepy. Although she does kinda remind me of Penny:
Coco has been my favorite since I was, what, 10? Despite her design, she's cute. I feel kinda sad that I accidentally TT'ed her out ;-;
The "no" in the polls was a bit too harsh for me, so I put "I guess". I don't really like Coco. I've had her before and she kinda creeps me out, but I like her a bit more since I really like the fanart I see of her.
Aw, those comics were sad! (Although the last frame of the second one, she's looking through her nose?? lol, sorry I had to say something, hope I didn't kill it though. I still liked the message.)

I love her, I love all the villagers with a unique design. I feel the same about Pietro, because some people are really mean about him, and have a phobia about clowns. But he's so sweet and cute to me. I kind of played around with his bad rep and buried a skeleton next to his house. lol...I know I'm weird like that. I just thought it would really freak someone out in a dream of my town, if they took the time to dig it up. No one probably has, but it amuses me anyway. ^w^