Do you like Coco?

Do you like Coco?

  • I LOVE Coco<333

    Votes: 66 54.5%
  • I guess.

    Votes: 35 28.9%
  • NOOOOO!!!!!

    Votes: 20 16.5%

  • Total voters
"Normal" villagers tend to be some of my favourite, and she is no exception. She fits in with my town of "weirdos" and she's definitely one of the sweetest ones. Her personality is adorable, she's adorable... Just... yes. All around, "Yes."
I love Coco, she's my dreamie <3 Her design is awesome. I don't understand why people think she is creepy.
Woot Coco! She turned up at camp in my second town and i just had to invite her. She's tried to move out numerous times but I won't let her, mwhahaha.
When I first saw Coco in a dream town a year ago she scared me, but then a second later I fall for her lol. I think shes awesome and adorable, I would have her in my town happily.
Look who is in my campsite today.

If only I had room. :(
I love Coco! I wish I had more room in my town or I'd get her;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
I've never had Coco v_v But her appearance has never appealed to me either, I've had her in my campsite many times, I just never bother to invite her :|