Do you like Harry Potter?


🦁 Lion King fangirl 🦁
Jan 3, 2014
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I’ve always liked Harry Potter, and I wonder if any of you guys do too.

Let me know by leaving a reply below, thank you and have a nice day~
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Harry Potter is cool but I never understood the huge hype following it. I just never got into the big fandom I guess haha.
Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of Harry Potter. It's not like that I hate him (the character) or the whole series in general, like I actually found the first three movies quite enjoyable to watch (only know these the movies, never read the books), however I never really got into the whole Harry Potter hype at all. Besides, it's kinda confusing for me to understand how everything works in that universe and it's also kinda difficult for me to follow the story.
it's well written and immersive books imo, not quite sure it deserves all the hype it gets but i did enjoy them. not a fan of jk rowling at all tho tho so i'm very meh on the whole thing
I like the series. I prefer the books to the movies, to be honest.

And from comments I've read from when the books were released, they got a number of people reading, which is always a good thing, in my opinion.
The movies certainly were entertaining, but I'd only watch them if nothing else was on. :)
due to being brought up in a catholic home, i've never read a harry potter book in my life, nor have i watched a movie. i only know bits of the storyline really.
I love Harry Potter, hate JK Rowling. Butttt that the way it be sometime. I have some Harry Potter stuff like my vans shoes :3
I suppose. My dad had me watch all the movies with him- one right after the other every night until we made it through. It was awesome. I read the books afterward. I never became a huge 'fan' or anything like that. Plus, I didn't agree with a lot of the things J.K. Rowling was doing prior to the books (with her characters and such)

The only time I got back into Harry Potter was when the Cursed Child came out. My mom read it and we were appalled by it. Greatly disappointing.
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I really enjoy it! I like things which involve magic so this was so cool! I got into it pretty late though, but I watched all of the films in about a week so I didn't miss out on anything. I really like the spirit and atmosphere this universe has... it's very appealing.
I read up to book five and then had to stop reading because the plot was so convoluted and annoying to understand it felt like I was playing some elaborate game.

The movies were enjoyable though, imo.
To me, I'm not really interested in Harry Potter (or literally any books). I want the movie was pretty decent, to me at least. >:3
I have a really bad love-hate relationship with Harry Potter. On one hand, I love the books! They're super good and interesting (even if I never finished the last one). I'm by no-means a superfan even when I was reading them.

That being said, I find them hard to enjoy with JK Rowling being a terrible person. I know I shouldn't let the creator get in the way of the creation, especially when I already own the darn books and its not like she's gonna get more money from me re-reading them, but I know there's a lot of stuff woven in that'd make me a little uncomfortable nowadays.
I like Harry Potter but I don't love it. I read all of the books because a coworker raved about them and loaned them to me. I thought the first three books were really quite good, but after that the series declined a bit for me. There were still plenty of enjoyable moments, but the overall story didn't grip me the same way that it had early on. I have to say that I do love Dobby, though. He's my favorite character and so adorable.

I've only seen the first movie and it was long before I read the books, so I don't really have a strong opinion on it.

I'm kind of curious about all of the comments regarding JK Rowling. I don't know much about her, so I don't know why so many people have a bad opinion of her.
I am pretty into it!! Although I actually never read the books as a child and am only catching up with them now, I'm about halfway through book 4.
I love Harry Potter! Will for sure watch it this christmas, these movies are one of the reasons why I get the christmas spirit. Classics. ♥