Do you like Harry Potter?

I read the books when I was in grades 4-6 and really enjoyed them. Books 2 and 3 are my favourite. I wouldn't say I am a massive fangirl or anything (I have one friend who knows everything about every book and movie), but it is a good series.
Chamber of Secrets was on Foxtel movies last night.

I didn't watch it all because it makes me sad knowing Alan Rickman is gone.

I liked him.
Sure, I like Harry Potter - the first two movies were the better ones, I think, I kinda lost interest after, but still watched till the end. I also read the books, noticing the movies took a lot of liberties in the story. I'm not exactly a super fan of it, but I did like it and I can watch/read it again.
I loved it when I was a kid, I had all the books and movies and stuff. But now that JK Rowling is trying to say that everyone at Hogwarts was black and gay and etc etc etc I've kind of disassociated myself with it
I enjoy Harry Potter a lot!! I didn't much enjoy the elitism within the fandom when it was in it's prime but it really is a good series.
My favorite character is Ron and tbh I have the unpopular opinion of finding Harry himself, irritating.
I was never into it, but I understand why others like it. I only read the first book in 3rd or 4th grade.
I haven't seen any of the movies but the reaction I get from people when I tell them that makes me feel like I might be missing out on something...
I love Harry Potter! I watched every single one of the movies at least 3 times. :D
nah i hate harry potter tbh, i find the series incredibly boring and definitely not worth the hype. i hate jk rowling even more though, she's a really terrible person. like i won't get into everything she's done, but creating a bank-owning goblin race? she really didn't give that a second thought huh?