Do you like Harry Potter?

I loved Harry Potter when I was younger but since the stuff about JKR came to light it's completely ruined it for me, and retrospectively there are a ton of problematic things in the story that I didn't pick up on as a kid. There's other, better fantasy out there if you want magic and wizards without supporting someone who openly advocates against trans people.
My family and i guess virtually everyone else in england during its peak surrounded me in everything harry potter related but idk i never rly got into it. In retrospect i can appreciate the house system and like animal spirits or whatever but that's just me being a sucker for silly online personality quizzes
I like it, but loved it as a kid/teenager. I watched all the movies, read all the books twice, and even played some of the video games. However, as some others said, I don't like J. K. Rowling for reasons I'm not getting into here.
I loved it as a kid and I still love it today. Now, I've gotten a lot of hate from fellow people in the trans community, the LGBTQ+ community in general, and several other communities for liking the series, for obvious reasons. If anyone here is planning on doing the same thing, let me just say that I do not support Rowling's actions in any way. I just genuinely love the franchise as a whole, and just because the creator has said and done some controversial things does NOT mean that I, nor any other Potter fans, agree with them.
The only thing I like about the author is the books she wrote, nothing else.
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Not really a fan of it. Sure it’s better than most modern literature (like Twilight or Hunger Games), but I’m more for Star Wars than Harry Potter.
I loved it as a kid and I still love it today. Now, I've gotten a lot of hate from fellow people in the trans community, the LGBTQ+ community in general, and several other communities for liking the series, for obvious reasons. If anyone here is planning on doing the same thing, let me just say that I do not support Rowling's actions in any way. I just genuinely love the franchise as a whole, and just because the creator has said and done some controversial things does NOT mean that I, nor any other Potter fans, agree with them.
The only thing I like about the author is the books she wrote, nothing else.
This is my exact stance on it. There are so many people who will find out I’m not cis and question why I like Harry Potter. There is such a thing as liking the art and not the artist, and that’s true here. I’m not going to just stop liking a series that helped me through a lot of trauma because the author isn’t a good person. That’s about as effective as trying to boycott Chick fil A because of the company’s views. People are still going to like it and buy their products. I don’t support Rowling’s views whatsoever, but coming at people like Pottercrossing and myself for still liking the series she created before we knew about them is wrong.
Yes, I wanted to be in Gryffindor but i did the quiz and got into Ravenclaw (not that smart in school stuff so i dont get it)
I loved it when I was younger, but as I got older I started to become more aware of some of it's iffier/more problematic aspects. I was still willing to accept it and continue liking it despite those things (because plenty of things I like are very flawed; I'll gripe about those aspects sometimes but can otherwise still enjoy the work for its better qualities), but unfortunately then JKR herself reallyyyy kinda ruined it for me. I don't fault anyone for still liking HP in spite of the author—it's complicated and given the state of the world, I'm all for people finding joy where they can. I just personally can't stand the thought of giving her any more money, knowing what she does with a lot of it. Not that I think that's really gonna make an impact on her wealth or anything. 😅But anything HP-related just reminds me of some of the awful things she's said, and so for me it's all kind of tainted now.

I don't follow or keep up with celebrities really, but from what I've heard of the main cast of the movies, it seems like most of them grew up into lovely people, which is quite nice. I grew up watching them and my opinions of them haven't soured any.
I actually do enjoy the early Harry Potter movies. I'd probably enjoy the books. I never cared for the insane hype around it though (like Disney adults, there are the HP adults.. ehhh) (Also, I think the "ALWAYS" thing is super obnoxious). I think it's a nice, intriguing little fantasy world. I can see the appeal for sure.

But I can also understand why it's now tainted because the very person that wrote it couldn't simply be happy with her millions and millions of dollars and instead chose to start being a transphobe on the internet. 🙄 It's just wild to me that this woman talked about how Dumbledore was gay the whole time, was championing "Be yourself", etc. and then she turns around says, "well, actually..." to a whole group of LGBTQ+. What a sad lady.
I loved it as a kid and I still love it today. Now, I've gotten a lot of hate from fellow people in the trans community, the LGBTQ+ community in general, and several other communities for liking the series, for obvious reasons. If anyone here is planning on doing the same thing, let me just say that I do not support Rowling's actions in any way. I just genuinely love the franchise as a whole, and just because the creator has said and done some controversial things does NOT mean that I, nor any other Potter fans, agree with them.
The only thing I like about the author is the books she wrote, nothing else.
Yeah I’m the same I don’t support Rowling’s actions I just love the Harry Potter franchise. No one can stop me loving something that makes me happy
I'm not a super big reader however I loved the movies. I think they are quite magical, no puns intended.
Will always have a soft spot for it! Really fond memories of the first three films, books and games. Just not big on the idea of paying for anything nowadays that lines JKR's pockets, not that the 20 cents she'd get from a Hogwarts Legacy sale would make any significant difference really 🙃
I never read any of it because it just seemed too long and boring and I didn't watch the movies because Emma Watson's in them :mad:
I don't know what to say if you still support her as a person after knowing what she's done. I don't think I'd like to continue discussing this with you either.
What I meant is I don’t support her actions I only love the franchise
It's very nostalgic for me. I was a voracious reader as a child so naturally I read them all and watched the movies. I never got into it enough to call myself a potterhead, though. It was just a comforting fantasy world.

Now as an adult, it's difficult not to pick apart the shoddy world building lmao. I think her strength lies in character creation because otherwise it's hard to imagine how it got so popular when so many of the concepts have been done before. I suppose there's just something that clicks with people. I had a Universal pass a while back and there's no theme park I've been to with areas quite like Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade (unless you're really into Avatar in Animal Kingdom, which I am not lmao). Going there was a wonderful experience, like really stepping into a different world. Hope more theme parks take a page out of their book 👀
i never read the series but have seen a few of the movies because my siblings were super into the series at the time. i didn't really get the series and still don't to be honest. it never really appealed to me but i also was in a phase of not wanting to like or do anything my siblings liked to be different™. i think it's super sad that the creator turned out to be such an awful person though. i know it's a series that holds a lot of fond memories for a lot of people, but i just don't like that the author continues to make bank off people despite being so terrible. doesn't sit right with my spirit LOL
i read the books back in the day, though i've not seen the films. my interest in it is basically non-existent now tbh. hogwarts legacy did look like a pretty fun game tbh, was tempted to buy when it released but not really bothered anymore heh
I watched the first 3 movies back when they were new, then I fell behind and I didn't get around to watching the rest before certain things happened that made me not want to really bother.