Do you like spiders?

Nuh uh. I hate spiders, and am very scared of them when they're in the same room as me. I don't mind them if they're minding their own business outside and not anywhere near me. I'm just thankful to live in a country where the spiders and all aren't venomous or whatever.

I remember one night I was on my phone in bed, so it was completely dark except from the light coming from my screen, and I was happily scrolling along until a spider lowers itself ONTO MY SCREEN, IN THE DARK, landed on my fingers then raised itself back up the be eye level with me. I literally freaked out and cowered in fear on the verge of tears with the lights on for probably half an hour until I finally decided to get my sis to come in and get rid of it because she's okay-ish with spiders. An overreaction? Maybe, but man, am I scared of spiders.
I see their purpose, but I don't want them in the house. I had a big one outside the house with a pretty web. I named it Link. My friend said big spiders are more likely to be female, so I renamed her Linklette lol.

They're probably the only reason I don't want to go to Australia.

Otherwise, I think some can be cool-looking, and I incorporate them into my artwork.
I don't mind spiders for the most part as long as they are not the poisonous ones and as long as they are not crawling on me I'm good. I won't go out of my way to hurt them unless I think they are the dangerous kind of spiders. While I am not super scared of them I would not wnat to be alone in a room full of them.
I am arachnophobic to a VERY concerning degree. Even outside, I go out of my way to avoid areas where I know they often are. I don't kill them though, because I don't want dead spiders near or on me. My average reaction when I see one in the house is honestly kind of childish but I can't get over it. I don't know where this fear came from but dear GOD it's bad...
I appreciate the ecological role that spiders play, but I am terrified of them and would very much appreciate if they stayed away from me. 😅
spider = friend. Big fan

I wouldn’t have a pet spider because there are so many animals I would want as a pet first but sometimes I like pretending the daddy longlegs are my pets. They can’t bite so they get to stay and there’s always one or two.
I used to be severely arachnophobic. I figured, since I want to be a vet, I should give all creatures a I got a tarantula. He's a Pink Toe tarantula and his name is Beef Wellington. I was terrified of him, but observing and caring for him made me change my views. I think he's cute and I love seeing his personality. He even accepts food from my tongs!

Also, yes, he does make a web and I think that's pretty cool to watch too. I love him :)

My fiance also has a tarantula, though his is a Brazilian Black. His is just a baby. Mine is an arboreal species and his is terrestrial so it's nice seeing the differences side by side.

Beef Wellington has helped me grow as a person and I've even relocated some wolf spiders I've found in my home. Past me would've screamed and cried until someone killed them :")

Being arachnophobic is ok and valid! I'm happy to be overcoming that fear day by day and I plan to own more arachnid friends in the future!

I'd post pictures but I don't want to trigger anyone :")
Spiders are and look very cool but I don't like them too close to me. They are kinda scary.

Many years ago I had a friend who had two tarantulas, and this one time I let them walk on me. Now when I think about this I must have been out of my mind.
I really appreciate you not posting pictures as they would freak me out, but you could put them in spoiler tags. Maybe I would even look at them slowly to try and overcome my fears ever so slightly! 🤣
Alright! Hopefully, if you choose to peek, Beef Wellington will help ease your fears too :) It's a hard one to overcome, but it can be done!

Excuse the poop. I learned that a favorite hobby of arboreal tarantulas is painting their walls in poo.

Also, he does have 8 legs, I promise 😂 One is just tucked forward to grip the vine he's on.
I love spiders! Depending on the kind they can creep me out (like those brown ones with the fat bodies and pointy legs) but at the end of the day I always love em. I always say that I'd rather have spiders than most other bugs in my house- because spiders don't cause damage and will eat bugs that are actually harmful or may carry disease!

Jumping Spiders and Orb Weavers are my absolute favorites. Tarantulas are also up there in favorites.

I dont think I could ever have a spider pet even though that sounds so cool (especially with jumping spiders and tarantulas). I'd be too afraid of handling them. On top of sensory issues that makes the sensation of something crawling on me the worst thing ever, I'd also just be too afraid I'd scare or hurt them by being too tense or not careful enough.

Jumping spiders are also super smart! They can learn faces and I've even seen some that can learn tricks!!
Spiders fascinate me. They look like creatures from another planet, yet they're standard on Earth. I feel the same way about them as I do about sea creatures. I enjoy looking at them from a distance and learning about them, but I do not want to touch them.
spiders are cool though i'd appreciate if the dangerous ones would stop coming into my house
Yeah I think spiders are really awesome looking. But I've came across a handful of blackwidows where I live and they can go away lol.
I'm pretty neutral on spiders. I'm not afraid of them, but I wouldn't say I like them either. I just let them be unless they're hanging from a thread right in front of me (in which case I try to relocate them)
I love spiders, but I used to be terrified of them. I had a bad experience as a small child; I opened a door and had a giant spider lower itself down in front of me. Nightmare fuel for a kid LOL.

I don't really know what changed, my Mom has always released bugs outside, so I would still cup spiders, even though I was afraid. I think what helped was learning that they were eating things I disliked even more, so I would instead relocate them to a different part of inside the house (if they were small, big ones still go outside). I've had a couple bathroom spider roommates that I've left alone and I grew very fond of them. When my last one died, I felt sad, but (s)he lived for many months and definitely earned her/his keep.

I enjoy learning about them because they are truly fascinating creatures. Jumping spiders have gotten a lot of positive rep the past couple years, so here's hoping for more spider positivity. They don't deserve to be treated like a nuisance.