Do you like the concept of amiibo cards?

I bought amiibo cards from Etsy because I wanted to choose which villagers I got instead of it being random.
If you bought the Nintendo produced, officially licensed cards through Etsy, that's one thing; coins/NFC tags/fanmade cards are another. And my loathing isn't necessarily with buyers, it's with sellers, though I guess without the buyers, there wouldn't be a market.
I really like collecting these. I got one pack a month for a long time, and now I have over 150 cards. Since New Horizons came out I've been buying some of the singles that I want for villagers that aren't widely popular. I do like having physical collections of things, too. I originally started collecting them not just so I could get the villagers I wanted but also because I enjoy looking through a notebook of all the different character designs of the villagers in Animal Crossing. It is really fun for me to see all the different styles and pour over how cute or cool or just bizarre they are. I also like to invite them to the campsite so I can see them animated in-game, as many have interesting expressions or mannerisms that don't come across when you are just looking at pictures. It also enables me to play the game differently, not with just a static number of 10 villagers but a larger pool that I can switch in and out if I want, and it allows me to keep the game more fresh.

I really hate how they have been scalped basically since New Horizons came out, though. Even though they've started being reprinted it is hard to get packs anywhere including online because of the sheer number of scalpers buying them up. People are buying packs for 6 dollars and then turning around and selling the same pack for a few times that price. Honestly, I don't like that people are making knock off versions for free and then selling those, either. I think it was a good concept but people are so focused on turning it into a personal profit that they are ruining it for everyone.
I like them, but trying to find them at a decent price is just ridiculous. I used to get mine from Toys R Us, but since they went out of business, I haven’t gotten anymore since. I just ignore buying them nowadays. I would love to collect some more, but like I said, they’re hard to find. :/
I've gotten one or two packs in the past, I actually really enjoyed unboxing (and i got coco, who i luv!)

I think that the concept is amazing, I just wish that (as other people have said ) scalpers wouldn't overcharge, and that they were more easily accessable. I don't know how to feel about people selling the handmade cards because i'm not sure if it's against nintendos TOS in any way, or if it could get you in trouble. Otherwise, I think the idea is really fun and will benefit those who don't have time to villager hunt~
I honestly love collecting the cards.
Though I only want the Sp(special characters) cards.
yeah they're cool, i got some of the cat villagers before they skyrocketed in price. otherwise i either buy secondhand or use nook mile tickets to go character hunting

that being said, they need to be more readily available (+the 3 day diy stuff you gotta do for new horizons also sucks, wish they made it as simple as it was in new leaf).
y'all realize that the off-brand cards usually work fine right?
There's no shame in buying the exact same thing for a cheaper price
Like others have said, the concept is cool but the execution is lackluster. Nintendo is so obsessed with the artificial scarcity aspect of anything amiibo. I wanted to buy some of the cards, but in the time it took me to see which series the villagers I want are in, they sold out.

y'all realize that the off-brand cards usually work fine right?
There's no shame in buying the exact same thing for a cheaper price
It's not that people don't trust the handmade amiibos, it's more that they have a personal moral issue with purchasing what is essentially a counterfeit. Although I personally don't understand what's more palatable about paying a third party scalper's jacked-up rates when that's not going to Nintendo either
Yes I like the concept, and I actually have a decent collection myself! But I do agree they should be more readily available. Also, like the cards with amiibo festival (Stitches, Goldie, Rosie), I wish the most popular cards would get rereleases, perhaps with different artwork. We might even see something like that soon since we don't have cards of the new NPCs and villagers!

As for the counterfeits, I personally see zero problem with them, and actually encourage them if people are happy to use them. It keeps the price of the actual cards down, for collectors, while letting people less bothered also get the villagers they like at a lower price.
Like others have said, the concept is cool but the execution is lackluster. Nintendo is so obsessed with the artificial scarcity aspect of anything amiibo. I wanted to buy some of the cards, but in the time it took me to see which series the villagers I want are in, they sold out.

It's not that people don't trust the handmade amiibos, it's more that they have a personal moral issue with purchasing what is essentially a counterfeit. Although I personally don't understand what's more palatable about paying a third party scalper's jacked-up rates when that's not going to Nintendo either
It's more about ethics than morals. At the end of the day, people are buying/selling stolen property, intellectual or otherwise.
Yeah I do. I love collecting cards and it is nice to have the option to invite villagers I want to my campsite instead of relying on rng. However, my biggest regrets were using the cards to summon three of my favorites instead of finding them on a mystery island (no regrets using the cards when i messed up their houses). As @TheSillyPuppy said, I think it does take away some of the fun meeting new villagers and giving them a chance.

I do find the prices kinda expensive and I’ve bought mtg cards which had more cards in a pack but for a dollar cheaper (but they don’t have the chip in them, so idk if the chip is what makes the cards so expensive). I am still fretting about the WAs since those and one series four card is all i need (aside from sanrio, which i asked for the etsy card versions of even though I’d like the genuine cards; $75+ for a pack of cards is more ridiculous ><).
I've never seen any at the store, so I don't know what they look like. If I could have a model of a few villagers, I'd be happy about that.
Love them just wish they were easier to get, have al ost all 1 and 2 but 3 up I need a ton.
i don't really like them. i've never been into card-collecting in general, plus i think amiibos take some of the fun out of villager hunting and mess with the online market
I like the ones on Etsy because I like being able to have villagers that I want in my island and back in new leaf in my town. And the RVs were cool in NL and I ended up getting fake Sanrio ones too. I understand the concept of the real ones like how it’s random but I wasn’t as big a fan because I was worried about getting repeats. I have some real cards as well but I only got like four or five villagers that I really wanted with them
I just buy the fan made ones on Etsy that are less expensive but I love having them. I like to know that I have the flexibility to bring a villager back if I let them leave and then miss them.
I like the accessibility. Being able to choose the villager you want to live in your island is a huge plus.
I have tons!!! All 56 RV cards and most of series 1-4. I used I get them on clearance at my local Toys R Us for $1.99 for a pack of 6 cards. Of course that was years ago.
Amiibo cards are okay. I started collecting a few and then just stopped. More so because they were becoming increasingly hard to find in the uk without ordering online. Plus the price inflation that happened which made amiibo cards in my opinion worthless in trying to get.

I think they’re good in concept to invite a villager you want, in. But honestly I’d rather just villager hop or randomly have someone move in. It saves money ig.