I'm fairly indifferent about my real name. It's not bad, but I don't love it and would never have chosen it myself. But it's been my name for so long that I can't imagine being called anything else.
My real first name is typically used as a nickname, so I always get asked what it's short for and I have to reply that it's not short for anything. It's just my name. I wish my parents had given me a longer name so I could have picked from a variety of nicknames, but my dad was adamantly against it because he hated having a long name.
I use my real name for real life stuff, but LadyDestani or Destani have been my online and gamer handles for over 20 years now. I'm honestly more attached to it than my real name and it gives me privacy. I want to feel free to say things openly online without facing any backlash in real life.
My real first name is typically used as a nickname, so I always get asked what it's short for and I have to reply that it's not short for anything. It's just my name. I wish my parents had given me a longer name so I could have picked from a variety of nicknames, but my dad was adamantly against it because he hated having a long name.
I use my real name for real life stuff, but LadyDestani or Destani have been my online and gamer handles for over 20 years now. I'm honestly more attached to it than my real name and it gives me privacy. I want to feel free to say things openly online without facing any backlash in real life.