Do you like your real name?

I’m honestly not a huge fan of my name but I know my parents chose it very thoughtfully so I really appreciate that and would never change it.
i don't really like the name katey but its been my name for so long it would feel weird to be called anything else by my friends! i REALLY hate my middle name though. it sounds super "religious horse girl". a real name change is too costly and inconvenient (since i'd have to update all records containing my full name), but i've been thinking it would be fun to make up a really long middle name for myself and pretend that is my middle name online :P

also, my name is very common but the spelling is not. so at the very least i think katey is my favorite possible way to spell it! i really dont like caty or catie or katy (sorry to any catys caties and katys of this forum also we are rivals now)

i also HATE being called kate it feels so freakishly UN-ME. but im usually too shy to correct people if they try to call me kate... katey itself is actually a nickname for katelynn which im not a big fan of either i dont like being called katelynn even professionally it just NOT ME
I don't hate it, but I prefer not to use it.

It's Alyson, but I go by Jaden online now. I'm an artist that does commissions and it annoys me when I'm paid via PayPal and my clients can see my legal name instead of my artist tag.

I'm called everything that even remotely sounds like my name. Alyssa, Ashlynn, Evelyn, Alisha, etc. and I rarely correct people anymore unless it's important.
My name is fine. I could take it or leave it, but I am close to it, and I do appreciate it.
i don't really like the name katey but its been my name for so long it would feel weird to be called anything else by my friends!
im making a (brief?) return to TBT for the current event, and i remembered replying to this thread a couple years ago... hopefully there's not a more recent similar thread! :P i've actually been trying out a new name lately. it feels a little embarrassing, probably due to some subconscious stigma against changing my own name, but i'm warming up to it.

the idea that you can just change your name anytime, for any reason, is freeing to me... obviously it's not a decision for everyone, but the fact that you can just DO that if you want is awesome. i wanted a name that sounded elegant and gothic but could be shortened into something cutesy, and i even went through the effort of creating a "name scale" to toss around some ideas:

all that said, i am going by Francheska now :-) i like it much better! if you've ever had a strong hankering to change your name, i definitely recommend trying it in private online/with friends and seeing how you feel.
Yes, I do. Its unique enough that most people remember it. I like uniqueness so I never thought about changing it. Not even once. My mother used to call me by my second name when I was younger but that stopped when I said I liked my first name more.
Yep, it’s a common name with a unique spelling. It’s definitely not gender-ambiguous which is a shame, but I can kinda shorten it to “Emi” as a shorthand for “Emile“ as well

I’ve come up with some bigender names I like, and Jean/Gene is phonetically bigender, but I’m yet to settle on something
I like my real name, it's also funny because it's a common Italian name and my partner ended up being Italian which I never ever would have expected but it's nice that I integrate well in Italy with my name. LOL
Yep, I like my real name. Some users on TBT call me by my real name instead of my screen name.
Depends on what 'real name' means. Dead name? Hate it for multiple reasons. Chosen name, though? I do like it a lot, but I go by Zelda online anyways. It'd be weird being called by my IRL name online when I don't know anyone personally.
Plus, Zelda is a cool name, and the name of a character in my favorite video game franchise. I obviously went by this alias when I was really into TLoZ, but it stuck with me since. When I'm naming my characters in games, I usually go for Zelda as opposed to my real name.
Yup, I love my name! I mean, I would strongly prefer to legally shorten it to just my nickname, but I only ever use the full thing for legal documents anyway.
I like it now, but I didn't like it when I was younger because it was so common. There were too many Ashleys at my school. I don't like one of my two middle names though. I usually just use the middle name I like and ignore the other one
I hate my real name which is why I wish the forum had a name changer
I tolerate my given name, but I much prefer my chosen name. I just think it’s cool and more gender-neutral than my ultra feminine given name
Yes! I used to not like it, because I was only one of two people in my school with the name (Chloe) and people had trouble pronouncing it, and my last name, which is Belgian/French, but overall I’ve grown to appreciate its uniqueness.
update: im indifferent towards it but i wouldn't change it. apparently before i was born my mom was thinking of naming me "ingrid", even though i said that i wouldn't change my given name that's actually such a cool name, can't believe she passed on doing that. i could of been calling myself "griddy" LOL
i used to hate it because it was (still is) the only name people tend to mispronounce when they read it. my peers made fun of it as well, so much so that i nearly started calling myself by a completely different name in the 4th grade. i eventually grew to love it though! it's super unique, and i've not met anyone with my name (at least not yet) irl and it has such a beautiful meaning that i never really realized as a child. i won't share what it is, but it is a very popular name for yoruba (nigerian) girls.

during school, i eventually started going by a more western nickname to get rid of confusion and it stayed with me throughout. the only time it was said in regards to school was during graduation and that made me kinda want to start going by my actual name instead of a nickname from now on tbh