I'm completely fine with my name but I'm always worried people I know irl would recognise me if I used it even though it isn't a unique name at all. So I always go by different aliases haha
Noooope, always hated my name. It's common and long and confusing... Causes me to have to explain my name to people which sucks when you have social anxiety. I like going by nicknames, both for privacy and because I can't stand my name haha
Yes. It's simple, and contains the word "cat." Cats are my favorite animal!
I inherited it from an aunt who passed before I was born, so I know it's a name that is special to my family.
I really do like my name, even though it is pretty common. even one of my best friends share my name! i like the shortness of it, how it can’t cut down to a nickname. Also super simple, but sometimes people still spell it wrong (Ana), or pronounce it like Anna from Frozen, which I hate. Otherwise i love my name
So my name is Melissa, and I guess I do somewhat like it now. It's what I've been called my entire life, I can't really imagine myself being named anything else. Although if it were up to me, I definitely would of never picked that name. It's just way too common, and it feels kind of plain to me. I tend to lean towards more original names, I prefer something that's pretty recognizable but not widely used as a first name. For example my son is named after a landmark, and my daughter is going to be named after a plant.
When it comes to online stuff, I normally just go by Elov. But I don't mind using Melissa for things, for example my island rep is named Melissa. I tend to use my real name when it comes to characters I play in games because I feel like it's supposed to be me. Although if the protagonist happens to be male, or if they don't accept 7 characters, I always use Elov, because I see it as more of a gender neutral type of name. And being a male character named Melissa would just annoy me. lol
I think my name is good. I don't like how common my first name is and my last name is like the most common last name in Switzerland, but I live in Australia now, so at least my last name is more unique here.
Honestly, I don't care for my real name because of the fact that people have always had trouble saying it. My name is an uncommon Keltic name, and there were actually times growing up as a kid where people would mistake me for a girl named Caitlin, since it's very similar to my name. If I had the money to go through the loops of the legal system, I'd definitely change my first name at the very least. I don't mind my last name, but my first name has been a pain in the butt for me at times
Okay, now I honestly don’t care for my name. I went from not liking it, to bring slightly okay with it to not liking it again. I don’t know. I don’t think I would change it though. Some things are out of your control.
I have always hated my real name. I can't think of a time when I felt genuinely okay when people called me by my given name. Even in kindergarten it felt uneasy to me. I've tried a couple names but they never really worked out to my liking so I just go by my last name for now until I can find a chaotic enby name that I really like and suits me, also lets me get away with it more with my parents since my last name has been my nickname since 5th grade.
I actually used to hate it as a kid, I always thought it was too “boyish” since I didn’t get the traditional “girl” spelling (Sydney) but I’ve come to respect it now.
I have more personal reasons for that, but will not be posting them as may be too identifiable.
i used to hate my name because no one knew how to pronounce it or would mispronounce it on purpose which absolutely sucked, but i've grown to love it overtime. i used to go by a diff name on this forum but i dont go by it anymore because it doesnt suit me at all, and idk how i even came up w that name but i regret going by a different name because the friends i met on this forum know me by that name and i feel like i lied to them LMAO but even now i dont give out my name on here anymore unless someone asks which no one has lol
My real name is one of those names that foreigners would pick if they want their kid to have an American-sounding name, and it sounds more like a child's nickname version of a proper name. People always assume that it is short for something.
Pre-9/11, no one knew how to even try and pronounce my last name, even if it is just 3 simple syllables. After 9/11, people frequently assume that it is Arabic, and are surprised to learn that it is actually Hungarian.
Well my name is greece, however people like to call me grease/greasy. I'm fine with the nickname grease just greasy seems... odd. I wouldn't change it but the nicknames are odd.