Do you listen to music while you do art/draw?

Definitely! I freaking love music, it always puts me in the mood to not only draw, but give inspiration.
Yes! Sometimes I’ll be listening to music and be like “oh wait art idea” and loop that song while drawing

guess my favourite artist lol
I don't usually, but maybe it would help with my creative process if I made it a point to put some on. I usually focus really hard when I'm drawing or making art, and music is sometimes a distraction. If I do have music, it is instrumental.
I don't really draw but I do write. Writing requires my full concentration so I typically don't play music when I do it. However, music does help me with coming up with new ideas. Sometimes I lay down, listen to a few songs, and get inspired by some of them.
Not music, but generally I'll have something playing in the background (a random TV show usually), because it does somehow help!
Absolutely - I listen to it both when I'm drawing, and when I'm writing. It makes me feel more engaged with whatever I'm working on.

For drawing, I'll sometimes listen to video essays instead, depending on my mood.
Hmmm, if I start drawing because I have an idea in my head, I will just forget about anything going on around me. I don’t like thinking about the idea of drawing in silence, but if I’m in the zone, my mind is nowhere but the canvas.

If I’m setting up for drawing, sometimes I like to watch shows, listen to podcasts, or watch YouTube video essays whiles I draw. I think I prefer this most, but when I’m not in the mood to think of what video to watch, this is when I‘ll throw on some music. I used to pretty much never listen to music when I drew, but find myself doing it more and more recently as I often times am not in the mood for video hunting when I’m trying to get an idea down.
It's entirely dependent on my mood. Usually I will while drawing, but whatever playlist I put on is based on how I'm feeling at the time! Sometimes I draw in silence though!
I don't draw very often, but yes. I usually listen to music when doing things on my phone or laptop. This means I listen to music every day.