Natsukashi is stuck in a 'time bubble'. Villagers from different time periods reside here who shouldn't (like lifespan-wise, such as villagers from the 1920s to current day). Thing is, these villagers are completely unaware that they live in such time bubble, nor do they realize that other villagers are out of their time period. For example I have one villager I HC as hailing from the 1920s and another from the 60s or 70s. They have passing thoughts like 'hey this villager seems weird with their choice of language, clothes and adaptability to technology' but they really don't think much of it. The only one who knows about villagers being from different periods of time is Resident Rep Jerico who is from current day, and possibly Avery, who is from ancient times and I made him


cause I wanted some magic on the island. Also, villagers have like small roles or backstories.
Tiffany and Dobie give me 1920s vibes. Althou for Dobie I gave him a more expanded time period of 1920s-40s. That's not to say he died in that time and only lived 20 years, he is an old man after all, but that's more so the time period I take my inspiration from. Infact I don't HC any of them as dead, just plucked from their time period and wound up on Natsukashi, somehow.
Peirce is 1960s or 70s, I need to do lots more research on trends in those times.
Jerico is from current day.
Avery is just ancient.
Kidd is still very undecided, I'm thinking he could go as far back as the 1800s. He's an ex writer/poet who came to Natsukashi by invite of Jerico while island hunting, looking for a new muse, saying his current living place is boring and devoid of inspiration. He really has no set time as he doesn't give me a time period vibe like Tiffany nor does his backstory pinpoint him to any place in history, like the story I made for Dobie.
The story I have for Dobie is that in his 'prime time', 20s-40s, (he was still an old man at this time, just not as old as he is now) he was in a gang/mobster and participated in speakeasies. However he's now retired from that dangerous life and just wants a peaceful time on Natsukashi. His past is very secretive thou as he tells no one about it.
Tiffany just gives me 1920s vibes, esp since I gave her a flapper dress. Lavish parties, a luxurious lifestyle and slang to match, she's stuck in her old ways. Dobie and her get along quite well since they're from the same-ish time period. However if Dobie uses slang from the 30s or 40s, Tiffany doesn't know what it means.
Pierce age-wise is a prob like, in his early 20s and comes from a time period of bright clothes, loud music, weird slang and feel good vibes. I think the cellphone or computer was introduced or atleast a thing in the 60s or 70s, so out of all the villagers, besides Jerico, he's prob the most adept to the Nook phone technology, as well as any laptops on the island.
The rest of my villagers stories and time periods are SUPER undecided and basically non existent at this point, but I'm working on it.