Do you make up storylines for your island?

Ooh boi do I. I'm not a role player but I do like to write, esp world building and character designing. So I've put WAAAY too much story to my islands😅 But I do it anyway cause it's entertaining. I'll put each island in a spoiler tab.

Natsukashi is stuck in a 'time bubble'. Villagers from different time periods reside here who shouldn't (like lifespan-wise, such as villagers from the 1920s to current day). Thing is, these villagers are completely unaware that they live in such time bubble, nor do they realize that other villagers are out of their time period. For example I have one villager I HC as hailing from the 1920s and another from the 60s or 70s. They have passing thoughts like 'hey this villager seems weird with their choice of language, clothes and adaptability to technology' but they really don't think much of it. The only one who knows about villagers being from different periods of time is Resident Rep Jerico who is from current day, and possibly Avery, who is from ancient times and I made him 💫magical💫 cause I wanted some magic on the island. Also, villagers have like small roles or backstories.

Tiffany and Dobie give me 1920s vibes. Althou for Dobie I gave him a more expanded time period of 1920s-40s. That's not to say he died in that time and only lived 20 years, he is an old man after all, but that's more so the time period I take my inspiration from. Infact I don't HC any of them as dead, just plucked from their time period and wound up on Natsukashi, somehow.
Peirce is 1960s or 70s, I need to do lots more research on trends in those times.
Jerico is from current day.
Avery is just ancient.
Kidd is still very undecided, I'm thinking he could go as far back as the 1800s. He's an ex writer/poet who came to Natsukashi by invite of Jerico while island hunting, looking for a new muse, saying his current living place is boring and devoid of inspiration. He really has no set time as he doesn't give me a time period vibe like Tiffany nor does his backstory pinpoint him to any place in history, like the story I made for Dobie.

The story I have for Dobie is that in his 'prime time', 20s-40s, (he was still an old man at this time, just not as old as he is now) he was in a gang/mobster and participated in speakeasies. However he's now retired from that dangerous life and just wants a peaceful time on Natsukashi. His past is very secretive thou as he tells no one about it.
Tiffany just gives me 1920s vibes, esp since I gave her a flapper dress. Lavish parties, a luxurious lifestyle and slang to match, she's stuck in her old ways. Dobie and her get along quite well since they're from the same-ish time period. However if Dobie uses slang from the 30s or 40s, Tiffany doesn't know what it means.
Pierce age-wise is a prob like, in his early 20s and comes from a time period of bright clothes, loud music, weird slang and feel good vibes. I think the cellphone or computer was introduced or atleast a thing in the 60s or 70s, so out of all the villagers, besides Jerico, he's prob the most adept to the Nook phone technology, as well as any laptops on the island.

The rest of my villagers stories and time periods are SUPER undecided and basically non existent at this point, but I'm working on it.

I loooooooove this idea! It easily connects their wildly different aesthetics (not just odd furniture choice, but thinking of like Clay who literally lives with fossils (were they his pets at some point? he does have an affinity for odd creatures...) and makes sense of island hopping. I might actually make this a headcanon for myself, it's super cool!

For my own island, I have a general storyline that most of my villagers came to Taco Bell (my island, lol) from places where they weren't very accepted. Or, if they were, they didn't feel like they belonged or had reasons to get away from it all. And honestly, the ones who I feel like find a home on Taco Bell are the ones who have stuck around the longest.

First, we have June, who was the very first villager I got on a Nook Miles trip and my third overall, after my two starters. With her sharing a name with Pride Month and her catchphrase being 'rainbow,' I have the headcanon that she is gay, but comes from a small town where she couldn't stay for the sake of pretending to be someone she is not. Her parents accept her, which is evident by how much she talks about them, but she likes to lead a quiet and easy life and welcome others like her, which has led her to be like my second-in-command when it comes to representing the villagers of Taco Bell.

We also have Claude, who shares a birthday with my irl boyfriend, so I've always said we were "dating," lol but he's gotten boring and isn't growing anymore on the island so he's leaving soon. We will say the split is amicable, haha.

Paula was my tenth and a random move-in, and initially I wanted to boot her asap but she quickly won me over. She always talks about her past group of friends and her motorcycle gang and how different it feels to visit home, leading me to believe that she loves where she came from but had to leave for herself. She was had a thing with Klaus on my island, but he eventually left which is still hard for us both because we loved him very much. But since, she's become stronger and more resilient, and is a huge presence on the island. She lives right by Resident Services, and makes sure that nothing bad happens in the "town" section of the map. She's close with Pecan, but lately they've been at odds since Pecan struggles to fit in and has been looking to move away - a decision fueled by her past friendly rival Peanut just leaving recently.

Lobo and Hazel moved here around the same time, but from different places. They both felt like they didn't fit in from where they came from - Lobo is comfortable with who he is, but others didn't like his affinity for dresses (side note: I didn't give him the dress, another villager had me deliver it and I told him I didn't like it but he wears it constantly, which I love now). Hazel didn't fit in because of her go-getter attitude being too much for a lot of people, and it made her depressed that people didn't want to be her friend. These two both moved to the woodsy part of the island and have been neighbors for a looooong time. They help build each other up and maintain a close friendship where they like their alone time, but can call on each other when needed.

I've also got Clay, Julian, Hans, and Nibbles. The latter two are brand new to the island, so not much can be said about them yet, and Julian and Clay haven't found their place yet. I guess Clay is more of a recluse, but he's always cheery and enjoys just being welcomed by so many friendly villagers. Julian has struggled to fit in and will be moving away shortly like Pecan.
i personally don't but i absolutely love seeing what others come up with, whether it's with a villager/island theme or just naming/dressing their in-game characters up!
I loooooooove this idea! It easily connects their wildly different aesthetics (not just odd furniture choice, but thinking of like Clay who literally lives with fossils (were they his pets at some point? he does have an affinity for odd creatures...) and makes sense of island hopping. I might actually make this a headcanon for myself, it's super cool!

Aw thanks! I want my HCs to be as close to canon as possible and make perfect sense, like it could be worked into canon with no problem.
Little ones. I mean, I have no comprehensive storyline involving all my villagers that defines my islands. But there are absolutely stories. Like the lighthouse keeper and his wife, who disappeared mysteriously leaving their home abandoned (my main character's cousin, a witch, happily moved in) many years before Nook and crew arrived on the island. And Vic, the viking who shipwrecked on our island. He recently (as in, a few hours ago) sailed off to new horizons after spending the colder months on Woodland. All my human characters also have stories.

In general, I cannot enjoy a game without giving my characters a backstory- I just need some story in my head to follow or I can't enjoy most games (I mean, platformers and stuff are fine, but not RPGs or sandbox type games). But I'm a writer and storyteller at heart!
I started doing this so much that I began writing a non-animal crossing story based off it (turned the villagers into humans and yk made it more real) that I hope to turn into a game 🥺
Yo dude, is that Rena from Higurashi? She looks a lot cuter and the animation looks so good compared to the original, I totally forgot the remake was coming out last year!
My island has a backstory about Wisp and why he sometimes roams around. I think that's the furthest I've gone so far.
Yo dude, is that Rena from Higurashi? She looks a lot cuter and the animation looks so good compared to the original, I totally forgot the remake was coming out last year!
yESSSSSSS - MAY I inform you iTs nOt a remake, they trolled us, its a whole new Story from the vns/ old anime- not a remake at all! (and yes its a lot cuter imo too)
I sometimes lay out items around villager's houses based on their personalities I've projected on them.
Sometimes villagers remind me of my irl friends so I give them catch phrases those people would say.
I had a fight with, and I'm not talking to, the person who Merengue reminds me of though so now I don't like her as much. lol
yESSSSSSS - MAY I inform you iTs nOt a remake, they trolled us, its a whole new Story from the vns/ old anime- not a remake at all! (and yes its a lot cuter imo too)
Woah, really?! Now I’m even more interested, can’t believe they trolled everybody on that! I was super into the old anime a few years back when I was blazing through horror anime like Another, and Corpse Party back then. I remember after the first arc I was suspicious of like every character around Keiichi, thanks for the reminder of that, gonna start watching it!

(I’m so cringey, in my head I sometimes remember the op and kinda hum it when nobody’s around. Hamdah ha de harareh! Lol)
Woah, really?! Now I’m even more interested, can’t believe they trolled everybody on that! I was super into the old anime a few years back when I was blazing through horror anime like Another, and Corpse Party back then. I remember after the first arc I was suspicious of like every character around Keiichi, thanks for the reminder of that, gonna start watching it!

(I’m so cringey, in my head I sometimes remember the op and kinda hum it when nobody’s around. Hamdah ha de harareh! Lol)

hsjsjskskskas sAmE here bahahahaha

You might be interested the same creator has actually written another whole series, which is a little like a crossover because it includes Rika but shes a witch, series is called Umineko which is a murder mystery same sort of this as higurashi. (with the same humour too)

Also to note the VNs have a different ending to the anime, and they are 100% worth the read if you do get properly into the new anime 😤👍👍
hsjsjskskskas sAmE here bahahahaha

You might be interested the same creator has actually written another whole series, which is a little like a crossover because it includes Rika but shes a witch, series is called Umineko which is a murder mystery same sort of this as higurashi. (with the same humour too)

Also to note the VNs have a different ending to the anime, and they are 100% worth the read if you do get properly into the new anime 😤👍👍
Ah, I’ve seen a few parts online of the Umineko visual novel, mainly because I fell down the rabbit hole from TV Tropes a few years back when I was trying to find inspiration for fanfiction I like to write. I only know the ever slightest bit of Umineko, so I might check it out once I finish the new Higurashi. (All I know is that Erika is apparently the most terrible thing to ever exist, and I love that haha.)
I enjoyed reading everyone else's comments on this topic.
Myself, I do have a little bit of a story for individual villagers but they aren't super in depth or anything. A little back story, or a side hobby or interest. I can see myself expanding on this in the future when I decide who my favorite villagers are and want them to be permanent and have yards to decorate. I don't have anything for my actual island. Maybe in the future after decide I have things the way I want them I may have a little something about my island.
I based my island, and character specifically around one of my stories. I even picked villagers to match my characters, which took a long time.

I restarted it completly with that, and im currently working on my dark fantasy island. My character is actually the main antagonist who basically has control over the whole kingdom in my story

So I became him, cause I basically am in control of my island. Then I picked villagers to match my ten characters. Including the main chatacters. Which some are played by the opposite gender, but I kinda gave up looking for ones with the same gender. But I have made changes, since some villagers have changed while on my island. Moved, or added ones that weren't planned from visits. But ive managed to fit them all in.

Its funny watching two villagers who are based on characters who hate each orher, get along. That amuses me the most. Because in cannon they would never do that

But im slowly turning it into that world. The worst part is putting down all the purple grass. Since the grass in the story it purple, I edited a design for purple grass. making my kingdoms is my favorite. As well as witnissing what my villagers do. The most amusing is picturing them singing, and how some would never do that Haha. But i love watching that specifically for imaging the character their based on, singing.
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