Do you miss the old personalities?


50% sea 50% weed
Jun 19, 2014
For those who ever played the original Animal Crossing on the GC what was your opinion on the older, more snappy personalities?

I personally loved them, even at 10 years old they made me laugh when they would insult and yell at me, and it made them more unique.
I loved that crankies are actually angry all the time, and snooties are actually uptight and snobby.

ACNL is the best & I think its very well done and better than the original but each personality is just TOO nice and takes away the true definition of their personality. Like Wolfgang is probably the sweetest one in my village at the moment lol

Here are some great examples:


apparently they get mad when you talk to them late at night


best one

What do you guys think?!
Love the old personalities. Resetti was much funnier too. Bring back the meanies!
Yeah, I miss the villager’s sassiness from the GC version, too :( The animals are all way too friendly in recent titles, it‘s almost irritating.
I've noticed that most of them are fairly nice to me in the GCN version, but that's because I'm doing favours for them a lot and I talk to them constantly. Grizzly can be a bit of an arse at times, but otherwise he's lovely.
Also, Jane is the biggest ***** in town. Cannot stand her. Pudge and her are two peas in a pod, and I don't know why. Pudge is the sweetest and cutest villager in my town, so... idk.
I've never played the older games, but those personalities would be hilarious!
I loved the older personalities as well, especially since I would go out of my way to befriend my favourite snooties and crankies because of this and they WILL warm up to you and I think that's lovely. You could really tell the difference between your favourite snooty who would really like you and that one rude one you don't like so you never helped them with anything. This was extra fun in my opinion because you don't like them and they don't like you either. xD

In New Leaf everyone likes you. :/
yes! a lot! the newer games (esp new leaf) really watered down the dialogue and made everyone excessively polite to the point where it felt saccharine and kinda just... bleh. in the gamecube game (and wild world kinda) i felt like villagers had a bit more depth and werent ready to spitshine your shoes the moment you met them, which made befriending them actually rewarding.
I really miss the old dialogue and personalities. Some of it was hilarious.

New Leaf with Wild World personalities and dialogue would be perfect.
I truly could not stand the snooties in the older games. I appreciated the toned down attitude in New Leaf. Still, it is really, really hard for me to like any snooties. I think I have a hard time forgiving their old behavior. Lol.
I do prefer the old personalities for Snooty and Cranky villagers. We probably won't be getting that back in the future, but it would be nice if they could tone it up a bit so it's a bit closer to the old way. As is stands in New Leaf, they're a bit too mellow, but I'd like to see them find a good balance in future games.
I agree, I really loved the old personalities on GC and WW. They were much more "feisty" but even the crankies could be sweet, but I liked their moodiness and really miss it.
I haven't played the older games, but those screenshots look hilarious. I'd be completely okay with meaner villagers.
If I'm honest I couldn't stand snooties in the original game, but it definitely makes it more realistic and gives it more life than New Leaf. I think my favourite personalities was Wild World, though there's not much difference.

Honestly, I'd rather Nintendo make the game a higher age rating and give them these personalities back, I definitely miss the variety.
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Those screenshots are great! I kinda miss those personalities as well. One minute they're saying something nice, and the next they're declaring you an ugly pauper with poor taste in fashion rofl. It's harder to tell in New Leaf because the characters don't seem to ask for stuff as often as they did (or at least they don't for me), but another thing I miss from the GCN was the Snooties and Crankies were positively loaded and would give you a bunch of money for the most random junk. Blaire will say what she did in the screenshot, then notice you have a sea bass or crucian carp in your pocket and offer to pay you like 5000 bells for it.

I don't think the game needs a higher age rating to bring back these personalities in some capacity (unless the game was bumped down from E and I just never noticed?) Lots of people played the GCN version as kids and were just fine. :p
I'm gonna be honest, I miss the old personalities so much. The cranks and the snoots were my favorite because they are literally me, and I loved being able to relate in such a creative way lmaooo I feel like they softened them a bit to make it more "family-friendly" or whatever, but honestly, it was a blast before.
Yes!! Ugh I miss when they use to get very mad whenever you?d hit them with a net countless times. I feel like they are more toned down now in NL. Before I had my villagers be super ?harsh? now it?s more of a ?please stop? and honestly I liked the harshness XD though one time in WW I remember a wolf villager went off on me when I was younger that he left me in tears.. I forgot what he had told me but I remember being sad about it. So when he moved away I was honestly super happy XD