Pokémon Do You Name Your Pokemon? If So, Do You Settle for a Theme?

Captain Crazy Chicken

The bad guys are pirates?
Dec 14, 2014
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
November Birthstone (Topaz)
October Birthstone (Opal)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
August Birthstone (Peridot)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
May Birthstone (Emerald)
April Birthstone (Diamond)

Now for Theme Naming.

Now, on my 1st B2 run, I gave my guys a TF2 theme, but ONLY for 10 specific Pokemon. The 10 that got the treatment are...

A Lucario who is...

A Magmortar who is...

An Audino who is...

A Watchog who is...

A Raticate who is...

A Darmanitan who is...

A Cinccino who is...

A Zebstrika who is...

An Altaria who is...

A Wigglytuff who is...

The 2nd theme naming is also on B2, but it's a food theme, and it extends to all catches.

A Pignite named Bacon for obvious reasons.
A Liepard named Chzb.gr if only for I Can Has Cheezburger.
A Sewaddle named Salad because she looks the part.
An Azumarill named Protein because that's what's in his tail, as well as oil.
A Tranquill named ChikkyNugs to accentuate the fact that poultry is a kind of bird.
A Flaaffy named Mutton for the simple reason that a certain fluffy hooved animal has this as meat.
A Lillipup named Dinner because the Vietnamese diet consists of man's best friend.
A Riolu named Chip for no discernible reason.
A Magnemite named Cereal if only for this scene.
A Rattata named Peanut for the simple reason that mice like peanut butter.
A Sandile named Mud Pie because...
A Scraggy named Cerveaux because that means brain, and that is in the skull.
I've never gone with themes, majority of the time I've went with names for pets for majority of my Pokemon, however I might do a themed set someday, heck even probably like a TF2 set that you've done.
I usually name them, but it's not based on themes; I often use cute names xD
Infernape- Natsu
Lopunny- Lucy
Altaria- Lucy
Bisharp- Gajeel
Vaporeon- Juvia
Gardevoir- Mavis
Machamp- Makarov
In the B2 file that has TF2, I have a Crustle named Pootis, which brings to mind a headcanon that the Heavy named the Crustle that shortly before he ate the Colress thing.

The Game said:
The Colress MCHN broke...
The Heavy ate it, THAT'S why it broke.
my in-game team are all named after alcohol.

mawile: kalinka
azumarill: blue lagoon
gardevoir: chablis
wigglytuff: morning
altaria: minttu
bellossom: tequila

naming is one of the key elements that make me enjoy the game, not even gonna lie about that. most of what i catch earn whatever goofy silliness that pops up in my head at that moment.
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werp, thread bugged a little so I'm fixing it :U

Maybe I'll go do a TF2 set afterall, heh, Shiny Heatmor would be perfect for "Pyro"
werp, thread bugged a little so I'm fixing it :U

Maybe I'll go do a TF2 set afterall, heh, Shiny Heatmor would be perfect for "Pyro"

Naah. Heatmor won't cut it. He's an anteater, the Pyro's a burninator. The perfect burninator would be... Um... Uh... A-HA!! Simisear!
I name my pokemon after god/esses and mythological beings based on their elemental type, which I'm pretty sure makes me a huge nerd...
I always nickname my pokes.

I sometimes use themes (mostly in nuzlockes).
My current nuzlocke doesn't really have a theme, but I might change that; I'm trying to follow a "cartoon/anime character" theme for it, but sometimes I get lazy and just input something which has to do with the starting letter of the pokemon's name. Still, I've found that set themes make it more fun.

Two themes I remember running was my theme for X being the "NATO Phonetic Alphabet", and my theme for White was "fruits".
I name my Pokemon but I don't really settle for a theme.

I just try and have certain Pokemon in my team with each game and I give them the same names each time. I go as far as to also make sure they're the same gender.
I guess "pointless sentimental value" is a theme here.

- Pidgeot has been in my team since R/B and she's always been called 'Kit' for some reason (I can't remember if there was a reason at all).
- Houndoom has always been in my team since G/S and I've always named her Jazz (again, I'm not sure why, I don't even like Jazz music). When I got my dog two years ago we actually named her after my usual Houndoom.
- Mawile has been in my team since R/S and I name her Talim, as in, Talim from Soul Calibur.
- Luxray has been there since D/P and I call her Gizmo, because Shinx sort of reminded me of an 'original character' named Gizmo I've used for years.

The other 2 slots aren't permanent...I usually cycle between a few Japanese words/names depending on what the Pokemon is and what I think suits it. I guess those two 'random' Pokemon are the only ones who have a theme.
Currently it's a Golduck named 'Sai' and a Meowstick named 'Sakura'.