Pokémon Do You Name Your Pokemon? If So, Do You Settle for a Theme?

I've always named my Pokemon, but I feel like I end up giving them the lamest names ever. Oh, well. It's pretty hard to come up with 719 names.
Can't be anything more lame than "Ballington" for an Electrode.
I generally name them after cities/towns. However, sometimes I'll just settle for something quirky and classy. c:
Depends on the team
I have made theme teams such as Hamtaro teams

But other than that I just nickname them whatever comes to mind.
I don't generally name Pokemon unless I have specific inspiration at the time. Most of my time is "default".

You also get less complaining if you decide to trade the Pokemon over to another player if there is no name.

The most prominent time I named pokemon was when I used to name "trash" pokemon to send over wonder trade. This was during a phase where I was miffed from being spammed with equivalent trash pokemon while everyone else got shiny legendaries.
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I always name my pokemon team. I think I take the nicknames too seriously :p I Google search for hours just to find a suitable name for them lol
I always name my team Pok?mon in Japanese, with meanings that fit their personalities and character.
My first run through of X I had a "divine" team and named all the Pokemon after deities.

Gardevoir: Aine
Florges: Konohana
Blastoise: Poseidon
Chandelure: Rohe
Mienshao: Bast
Zoroark: Loki

I also like to get super clever with my Pokemon names...

Bisharp: Death Metal
Mawile: Tooth Fairy
Delphox: Mozilla (okay... this one is less clever.)
Honchkrow: Al Crowpone
I have a geodude I named Benedict after Benedict Arnold after he finished off the rest of his horde with Magnitude, all of them had survived an earthquake attack with the sturdy ability and he just finished them off before even one more attack could strike.

I have a Zorua I call Zero because he was the first of my pokemon to get infected with Pokerus, my Patient Zero basically.

I also have a shiny Hawlucha and a shiny Honedge called Cloak and Dagger, I plan to make an entire espionage themed team around them. My first Hawlucha ever was called Cape and he was one of my best pokemon so once he hit level 100 I decided to properly breed one with an adamant nature and good IVs with an ability I'd actually use like Limber instead of his Unburden and Cloak nailed it with 5IVs and such, spec. attack was the non-perfect one so she couldn't have been better and I named her Cloak as a homage to old Cape. The Honedge wasn't even from Masuda Method, I was just IV breeding and got super lucky, I have just had the best luck getting shiny pokemon the last few days since Cloak; shiny Groudon and Linoone received from the GTS randomly when trading leftover 5iv Hawluchas, two shiny Gligars in one afternoon while EV training Cloak, and then Dagger when I was working on getting a partner for Cloak... Is it weird to have a lucky pokemon? I swear it seems that anything relating to Cloak just summons shinys.

The team I currently have in the battle slots is dog themed, with a shiny Manectrik called Negative (my first successful Masuda Method) and his brother Positive, the only one that doesn't have a name on that team is a shiny Entei I got on the GTS.
my in-game team are all named after alcohol.

mawile: kalinka
azumarill: blue lagoon
gardevoir: chablis
wigglytuff: morning
altaria: minttu
bellossom: tequila

naming is one of the key elements that make me enjoy the game, not even gonna lie about that. most of what i catch earn whatever goofy silliness that pops up in my head at that moment.

There's alchohol named morning? Wow... People trying to turn common and innocent words into inappropriate things... Or in an adults case, alchohol.
my names range from a gardevoir named Au Revoir to the lake of rage gyarados being named Ztyyr.
i name what i feel the pokemon would like.. lol
I usually start games with the intention of naming all my Pokemon and then eventually giving up, but I've actually gotten most of the way through my Silver game naming every single Pokemon I've caught. I also name all my shinies.
If I'm using a Pok?mon on a team then it is going to have a nickname, no exceptions. I feel that giving my Pok?mon nicknames, it sets them apart, gives me more investment in their well being, and it also makes it easier to keep track of them when they're stored in the PC Box. I generally, but not always, have a theme for the team in mind and name the Pok?mon accordingly. That might become a bit more difficult in the future as I go through the Pok?dex, using all of the different individual species, but we'll see.
I always name Pok?mon based on a theme when I start the game. When I downloaded Pokemon Crystal from the 3DS shop, I went with the theme of "sandwiches." I named myself "Gatsby" after the South African sub (not the Fitzgerald character) and had a team featuring the likes of:
Lobsta Po'Boy (Shiny Poliwrath)
Meatball Sub (Geodude)
Falafel (Chikorita)
Ice Cream Sandwich (Clefable)

When I picked up Pokemon: Ultra Moon, I decided to name my 'mons after characters from the Netflix series Bojack Horseman. I like to draw from the tertiary characters, so naturally Rowlett/Decidueye was Dr. Allen Hu. Gardevoir is Sarah Lynn.