Do You Play Any Instruments?

I used to take singing lessons if that counts? Other than that, I can play a little bit of acoustic guitar, piano, and drums. Pretty much everyone in my family can play something, music seems to be something that we all love! I am hoping to develop my guitar skills in the future, maybe even move to electric.
I used to take singing lessons if that counts? Other than that, I can play a little bit of acoustic guitar, piano, and drums. Pretty much everyone in my family can play something, music seems to be something that we all love! I am hoping to develop my guitar skills in the future, maybe even move to electric.
singing lessons count too im planning on taking vocal lessons when school starts!
Yeah several. I can read music and woodwind skills are pretty transferable between all the instruments, so I can play most types, but especially clarinet I guess, as I have been playing that the longest, having taken lessons from when I was very small and continued throughout my teens.

I struggle with strings because I have ridiculously tiny hands, though I am ok at the uke. I can play the piano reasonably well, but again, my little hands aren't ideal for piano. My mum is a very talented pianist, so I think I was a disappointment to her haha.
Yes. I can play pretty much any classical woodwind instrument. I think probably because I can read music, it made it easier to transfer, as they're all pretty similar to play otherwise. I also play ukulele and piano. I'm not great at piano really. My mum was exceptional at piano and she thought I was terrible anyway haha
Well apparently I felt the need to boast about my musical talents twice! In my defense, I did wait over a month to do it the second time haha
When I was young I used to play on the piano. I always love how it sounds. The only song I know how to play is "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
i've been playing guitar for 17 years or so, but i've never gotten very good at it. i can highly recommend picking up an instrument though, it's a great creative outlet
I probably play the trumpet the best. I played it for 4 years in school, but haven't played it in about 6 years since my high school and college had no band and I now live in an apartment. But I'm sure if I picked it up, I can still play it.

I also can play the bass a little bit, and I'm trying to learn to play the flute.
no, aside from the recorder which I didn’t count because I feel like every kid I knew had to play it at some point in elementary school and I doubt I was even good at it. I really wish I had the motivation and self discipline to teach myself how to read music and play the piano though. I do know how to play happy birthday on it though lol and also the beginning of the Charlie puth song see you again, but that’s mostly because of YouTube and memorizing the keys.
I was learning violin for a while.. but then a bunch of stuff happened that prevented me from taking my lessons which really demotivated me.. then when I finally opened up the violin case to practice one day, I saw that the strings and tuning pegs had all come loose and it was unplayable. Haven't gotten it fixed since.. I just got very discouraged. Also we moved into an apartment building which makes me feel I wouldn't be able to play without people hearing me, which is why I'm not in any rush to get back into it.. which is sad cuz the violin made me very happy :(
I've played guitar for about 14 years. I just love playing it and writing music. I've played in bands for nearly as long and done higher education for music too, as well as make money from it. To toot my own horn, I'm good at it.

I'm basically at beginner level for bass, drums, keys and vocals. I did some entry level lessons for them in collage with the mindset that knowing how to play them even a little would help me write them better...Which I assume is somewhat true as I've never had people playing those parts tell me "that's physically impossible".
I don't play any instruments, no! I have no sense of rhythm and can't read music notes which makes things tricky, lol. I did learn how to play the recorder and clarinet in school but I didn't retain any of the information. I really wanted to learn how to play the flute or saxophone but I was put in the clarinet section. I'm not sure I'd actually be able to play the flute (it seems trickier than the clarinet at least) and the saxophone was only played by two students so my lack of ability would've been super noticeable, lol.

I'd love to be able to play the violin and/or piano because I think they're so beautiful but music is something I really struggle with. It's also not a talent I can learn "quietly" and hide the mistakes I'm making which makes me nervous. With sewing and (trying) to learn to knit nobody really knows how terrible I'm doing unless I show them, lol, which makes me more comfortable about learning them!
no, but i really wish i did! i had violin lessons as a kid in school, and then over time i've attempted to learn both the ukulele and the piano but never got too far with it. one day in the future i'd love to try and learn guitar - both my dad and my sister can play and i love listening, but for the moment i can't really afford my own instrument so it'll remain a 'one day' goal
i used to take piano and violin lessons as a kid but i don't play anymore huhu :( also guitar and ukulele but i don't have my instruments with me rn so my mom got me a kalimba as a gift so i guess i play that now too
im a chaotic band kid so of course i have
I've played piano ever since I can remember (mostly casual, and self taught myself a bit, so im not as talented as you'd think)
Started trombone a few months ago (learning surprisingly fast)
Started trumpet a couple weeks ago
And I play guitar whenever I can. Planning on picking up a few more, mainly sax, clari and flute lol. I find music soooo much easier than... trigonometry or something. Sometimes i'll sit down at 2am and try to make arrangements myself (infact my favorite song to play on piano was arranged by myself, and im not sure if im just biased or not). Its just fun.
No. I didn't have an interest in learning how to play an instrument. Also, money was kind of tight growing up so I doubt that they would've let me learn.
emo band kid hours. I played saxophone for 7 years and still know all of the fingerings. I haven't played in years though haha.