Do You Play Any Instruments?

Oboe and bassoon. I'm so happy to say that I play both double reeds. :giggle:

In high school I played trumpet and a little clarinet. I began bassoon in my senior year. Then I picked up oboe roughly a decade later.
When I was in high school I became a lil obsessed with guitar. I'd never been a musical person but for a year I took guitar lessons before I quit. While I may not be the type to make music, I think learning at least the basics of an instrument is a great life experience!
I played a bit of violin and piano when I was younger but I didn't enjoy it because my parents forced me. I picked the soprano saxophone to play during high school and I liked it a lot but I didn't stick with it when I graduated. I kinda wish I continued to practice music, instruments, and reading sheet music, etc. I wish I was musically talented but without a teacher I don't think I'd be able to keep up learning on my own. I've taught myself to play the ukulele and a little bit of the guitar during college, but I've dropped that too now. A while ago I tried playing the saxophone again and I can play some songs from muscle memory but it would take me forever to read and decipher a sheet of music. I can only play by ear.
I used to take piano lessons when I was like 6 years old but didn't like it much so gave it up. Never tried playing anything since then. I do enjoy singing for fun though and even took some vocals classes back in high school.
I used to play drums when I was younger but lost all will and motivation to practice when I was around 13. I blame high school, and homework, and probably puberty as well. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I actually saved up for quite a while and bought a good electric drum kit just a week or two ago! I kinda wish I hadn't quit it now - I used to be pretty good at it. Now I'm just okay-ish, but it's slowly coming back. :D
I don't but I really want too😭 I'm not musically inclined thou so I find learning instruments, sheet music and notes (don't even get me started on scaling and all the different clefs/sharps/minors/ect...) really hard. I'm very slow when it comes to translating a note on paper to a note or key on an instrument. But I really want to play so many instruments like guitar, acoustic, electric and bass, violin, kalimba (the small wooden handheld thing with metal 'keys', I forget what it's actually called), drums, keyboard and piano, saxophone, ocarina, ukelele, just so many things, even the not traditional instruments. Anythin that makes a pleasing sound to me I want to try out.

I would buy an instrument and try to teach myself but good quality instruments are EXPENSIVE, a big expense I'm not willing to make, esp if I drop it cause I find learning it too hard. If I can find a good quality instrument for a decent price then I'd prob buy it. In all honestly I just want to play songs I like, like actual songs or videogame soundtracks.
I played the piano in elementary through part of high school, and can still sort of play it now (I'm 24). I can't read music very well anymore, but I can play old songs that I use to know through muscle memory and sort of by ear. I think its more muscle memory though. I would occasionally play this way in college but haven't done so in a long time.

If I sit down at the piano right now to play a piece, I would have to really zone out and just let my hands play the keys without thinking about it. I would repeat the song over and over until I am able to play most or all of it. Then if I keep practicing that everyday I will play that song more easily and will be able to think about it more and not have to zone out. Sometimes looking at the music sheet helps me, because I remember what to do when I see the image of the music written down, not that I can connect the notes to the keys specifically, if that makes sense lol. Its very strange, but thats how I play after having not taken lessons for almost 10 years.
We were forced to learn playing the flute in school. Besides that, I taught myself to play the Ocarina, as a old friend of mine gave me
her Ocarina of Time - Ocarina. It was pretty fun to play! However, I always dreamed of being able to play the drums, but first of all..
they are LOUD and second.. they are expensive. 😭
One day I might get electric drums, but that's faaaaar into the future..
i'm learning to play lute, although i never freaking practice 🙃 i usually manage once a month but i need to do it more, and always find that i'm happier when i do - but picking it up to do so always feels so daunting. i'd be doing it a few hours a week if i could manage my depression more :' )
i have several other instruments that i'm intending to learn as well, and which i practice occasionally, but i'm not really focusing on them as much (a violin, an autoharp, an ocarina...)
Piano and flute. Flute was below entry level (lol); could never get the notes to form properly for some reason. Piano I took over a year of classes, was OK at it. I had trouble getting the stuff to stick as I've a memory problem. Aside from that I just had a bit going on at the time and stopped going. I always wanted to learn the cello, though I'd probably not have the patience for it nowadays haha.
infact, I do! music is one of my favorite hobbies

I learned 2 years of piano but didn't take much out of it. I also play electric and acoustic guitar. currently I have my uncles acoustic and a fender knockoff, I forgot the name :D
I also play ukulele, but I never took lessons. it's not a very hard instrument to learn, though.
I don't but I really want too😭 I'm not musically inclined thou so I find learning instruments, sheet music and notes (don't even get me started on scaling and all the different clefs/sharps/minors/ect...) really hard. I'm very slow when it comes to translating a note on paper to a note or key on an instrument. But I really want to play so many instruments like guitar, acoustic, electric and bass, violin, kalimba (the small wooden handheld thing with metal 'keys', I forget what it's actually called), drums, keyboard and piano, saxophone, ocarina, ukelele, just so many things, even the not traditional instruments. Anythin that makes a pleasing sound to me I want to try out.

I would buy an instrument and try to teach myself but good quality instruments are EXPENSIVE, a big expense I'm not willing to make, esp if I drop it cause I find learning it too hard. If I can find a good quality instrument for a decent price then I'd prob buy it. In all honestly I just want to play songs I like, like actual songs or videogame soundtracks.

Bumping this from the depths of page like, 5? 6? Anyway while browsing Amazon I actually found a kalimba and ocarina for cheap (20$+ and comes with a guide book, case, the kalimba has a tuning hammer, and more goodies) so I had to buy them. They both came today and I am so excited. I've been practicing on the kalimba first and looking up simple Legend of Zelda songs (I am a nerd) to play. So far I've done the Lost Woods and it's so exciting gettin it right. The ocarina will be harder since it uses traditional sheet music and notes (see above that I am slow with that kind of stuff) but practice practice practice makes better skill.
No, due to various issues in my fingers, but I've always loved violin and piano and have wanted to learn them.
I don't but I truly wish I had the dedication to learn. I tried learning piano and guitar a couple times but I gave up.
Yeah several. I can read music and woodwind skills are pretty transferable between all the instruments, so I can play most types, but especially clarinet I guess, as I have been playing that the longest, having taken lessons from when I was very small and continued throughout my teens.

I struggle with strings because I have ridiculously tiny hands, though I am ok at the uke. I can play the piano reasonably well, but again, my little hands aren't ideal for piano. My mum is a very talented pianist, so I think I was a disappointment to her haha.
No, but it’d be awesome. I always love the guitar and would imagine myself playing it. There’s no way I can do it for real lol
i've been playing piano since february, i love it but it can be frustrating since ive been teaching myself through yt. my parents have offered to pay for piano lessons for me but that sounds super expensive.
i play the piano and so far i know how to play one song and my music teacher says is there any other instruments you would like to know when you mastered piano i said no but i want to know have you all played instruments before i might want to play guitar!
(while i was typing i felt like i was playing piano lol)
Yes. I can play pretty much any classical woodwind instrument. I think probably because I can read music, it made it easier to transfer, as they're all pretty similar to play otherwise. I also play ukulele and piano. I'm not great at piano really. My mum was exceptional at piano and she thought I was terrible anyway haha