do you prefer baking or cooking?


  • baking

    Votes: 10 47.6%
  • cooking

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • neither

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters


only half awake
Jul 20, 2013
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Tasty Cake
i feel like you can put a lot of people on a scale between baker and chef and there's always one that they prefer doing. like i'm perfectly happy to cook but it's usually out of necessity and i don't always have the energy to do something really fun. whereas if i'm baking, i'm choosing to do that as an activity and i have a sweet tooth anyway so i usually prefer the outcome lol
before i said baking because it's more straight forward, but ive slowly lost my sweet tooth over time so now i prefer cooking LOL
I prefer cooking as I like to make more savoury dishes rather than sweet. I know you can do both in cooking and baking but I find cooking more what I like.
I like both, but I think I prefer to cook! Baking can be fun, but by the time the sweets are ready, I feel like I'm covered in sugar and don't really want it as much. 😅 Regardless, I think it's really satisfying to eat something good that you made yourself!
Baking, don't have as big a sweet tooth as I did when I was younger and don't get a lot of spare time to actually bake much but I do enjoy baking a variety of little sweet treats when I do get the chance. I don't mind cooking but never really have a big appetite so more often find it's just a chore in order to make something I might want to eat rather then actually really enjoying it.
Not all baked goods are sweet! We love baking bread, especially breads like sourdough. Banana bread is a very recipe we like doing. We really want a brick oven so we can make pizzas. Its one of our dreams 🍕🍕
I definitely prefer cooking, less exact measurements and more just tasting and adding as needed. If I have the time and enough patience one day I’d probably like to try my hand at baking. the closet I’ve gotten to baking was buying store bought cookie dough you just put on baking sheet and bake lol.
cooking for me because it feels a lot more forgiving than baking. i always seem to mess something up when baking something even if i follow a recipe 😭 there are a lot of other factors in play like temperatures, how you mix/whisk something etc
i love them equally! i've been baking and cooking a lot recently and they're both a ton of fun for me
i prefer cooking! i love baked goods, but the measurements and timing have to be so exact 💔 i was raised in a household with no concept of measuring unfortunately
Thus far in my life, I prefer baking. There are recipes, exact measurements, it's all laid out and if you just follow the recipe then it's straightforward and easy.

While there are certainly recipes in cooking as well, people tend to experiment more with changing things up with different ingredients to try to make the meal their own way. That's all fine and good, but I'm too scared of messing something up and either having to eat something that no longer tastes good or risk wasting food. Thus, I've just stick to recipes so far. Maybe I'll branch out more in the future, but I'll have to build up to that.
Hmm I enjoy both to an extent. I feel like baking has the edge for me though because when I bake it’s usually for a fun occasion, whereas I sometimes will cook something fun, but most the time it’s just because I have to eat.
baking! i love to bake my favorite muffins and cakes! i am....not made to cook lmao i'd love to learn one day, but for now i'll happily stick to just baking stuff! <: