Do you prefer pastel or neon colors?

Do you prefer pastel or neon colors?

  • Pastels!

    Votes: 48 54.5%
  • Neons!

    Votes: 18 20.5%
  • I can't choose / I don't have a preference

    Votes: 22 25.0%

  • Total voters
Pastel colors are not my favorite but it's better than neon that only hurt my eyes. I prefer dark colors.
I adore both, and prefer them for different things. I think I generally tend to lean towards pastels for art and stuff, but bright colours for clothes for example.
i love both, but i tend to gravitate towards neon colours more! i’m not really a fan of colours that are so neon and vibrant that they’re hard to look at (think highlighter colours), but i love bright colours and colourful aesthetics so much.

bright colours are my go-to when it comes to what i buy and my aesthetic, but i prefer pastel colours when it comes to clothes. i’m not the biggest fan of wearing bright clothes for some reason 😅
When it comes to my artwork I really prefer neons, though when it comes to things like clothes I don't want to stand out too much with loud colors so I usually go for more pastel/neutral tones 😅
I think I've always gravitated towards neons, not that I don't like pastels but something about neons is just more exciting visually to me 🤩
I prefer dark colours over pastel and neon but some colours look gorgeous in either shades.
Tough! I love working with Neons. But, my favorite color is that pastel color between mint and light blue. Can't decide, but leaning towards neons
I love pastels like mint green and lavender purple, but neon colors are so much fun too! I'm making two OC's that have neon colors rn
I prefer pastels because they’re easier on the eyes. Neon colors tend to give me headaches lol
Pastels. By definition they are softer/smoother colors. Neon colors are more abrasive.
Neon, I like my colors bright and vivid, give me that sweet sweet saturation. Even better if it glows in the dark/under blacklight. 😎
I like both. Can't choose one over the other because they are appropriate for different uses. Though, I think for my color palette in general, I lean more towards brighter neon colors than pastel ones.
Oh this is such a hard decision... as a 90's kid my heart always belonged to neon colours... However as I grew older I grew to appreciate the softer pastels. I suppose if I were to truly decide I would choose pastels. Neons are great, but they are relatively juvenile and loud, and pastels are more quiet and more mature, if that makes sense? lol I do love them both.
I don't really think about it but I think it depends on my mood. Sometimes I'll lean more towards pastel and other times vice versa.
depends.. overall pastels are better for clothes. pastel green? cute. neon green? you might walk out the house looking like the middle school highlighter kid.