Do you still use a wall calendar/diary for appointments, etc?

Do you still use a wall calendar/diary for appointments, etc?

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Not usually, i often get a diary for each new year but then end up hardly ever putting anything in it. If I have an appointment coming up in the near future I generally just remember it and for anything over a few months away I sometimes set a reminder on my phone for nearer the time.
i have a wall calendar pinned to the bulletin board in my office at work that i use to mark which days my office is closed (holidays, local closures for events, etc) but that's it. for my personal life, i just use the calendar on my phone so i can get reminders without having to think about it. it works better for me.
I rely primarily on Google Calendar, but I do have a wall calendar for the most important things as well! Though I think the main reason I still use one is for the monthly pictures of frogs tbh.
I used to have a whiteboard month calendar that helped me stay organized but I don't use it anymore, maybe I should take it out of the closet... otherwise nah but my parents do still use physical calendars as well as google calendar which we have a family one we share. I also keep dates written online in my notion and stuff so I don't forget certain events/appointments
I like wall calendars. I suppose if I was a busier person, I would look into those calendar booklets to throw in a bag/purse.
I love wall calendars!!! I am a big fan of them. I have one at home, we use one at work, and last year when I worked upstairs (so I wasn't close to the calendar at work) I bought one for my classroom.

I do enjoy having a physical planner but I arguably get more use out of a wall calendar. I love being able to see the days at a glance (I love having my lock screen be a calendar for this reason too) and it's easy to add notes for special dates. I am Very Forgetful and the hard part about physical planners is if I don't open them.... I still forget !! But wall calendars being open and easily visible helps negate that problem.
I have a wall calendar by the garage door to help me have a visual of dates, but I don't write on it. I probably should because it's strategically placed to help me remember, but I have everything already in my phone, so :U