Do you stress about terraforming?

Terraforming is such a big thing in this game and I feel like it can really make or break how you feel about your island. Personally I’m redoing my island so I just flattened it, but similar to you I’m going slowly so that I can tell if I like a portion before moving on. I wish they had done something similar to happy home designer where you get like a little tutorial at the start when you get the app, I feel like that would’ve helped past me when we first got the game last March. Oh well! A year into it and I’m still figuring it out lol
I think I used to when I first unlocked it. I had seen a lot of islands that were so pretty and well-designed, so it motivated me to start making my island prettier as well.

Thing is, I wasn't entirely familiar with how to terraform well or what my theme was, so it stressed me out a bit. After many failed attempts at making an area look nice, I took a long break from the game and watched videos of others terraforming till I figured out what I wanted.

I'm definitely way more comfortable terraforming now than I was before, but only when I have creative ideas. If I force myself to terraform when I'm not feeling it, I just waste time and get more frustrated. I think taking breaks and doing some minimal planning helps a lot.
I was very stressed about it until I got used to it, which took a long time for me. It's easy now. I don't flatten my islands and try to make fancy things from scratch, though. I just use it to make adjustments. I had a really nice valley on the island I reset; I might try to recreate it on my new island.
I find terraforming fun and challenging when I'm actually doing it, but the initial preparation for it like removing flowers/objects/houses/etc. is so tedious. There's also times where I just want to see what a certain area looks like if designed differently but I don't want it to auto-save so I can just reset back to my old build if I don't like it. I think that's probably the part that stresses me out the most about terraforming. I always save my old builds so I can copy them if things go horribly really wrong but I don't want to have to do that.
I terraformed only a bit at first but than I saw all this amazing islands on youtube and my own one felt like garbage. So after I got back into the game I started to take terraforming to another lvl and I really do stress about how things should look. Everything needs to look like pieces of one big picture.
Not at all. I didn’t terraform my map much so it still closely resembles the original. Terraforming doesn’t interest me much and I much prefer islands that haven’t been terraformed.
Sometimes I do. Scratch that yes. Yes I do. I like that we have such a big island, but with that it comes with huge pressure to see it all decorated and or terraformed. Of course the pressure I know comes from nobody but me, but seeing how much does make it more stressful. But I still like to do it, piece by piece and day by day.

But I think what stresses me out more than that is.... Terraforming isn't easy; what I mean is that there aren't quality of life aspects to it to streamline how it's "physically" done. If there were a grid system like in Happy Home Designer, I feel the terraforming would be easier. To see which tile you're working with and maybe even build a few tiles at a time. That would be excellent for flattening.

That's just my 2 cents tho.
No, not really. I like the default layout of my island so whenever I terraform its to improve or add on to the original layout.