I have depression and no life, so sometimes I have a hard time finding the will to live much less motivation to get out of bed. Long story short, yes, I nap.
I had a pretty bad depressive episode earlier this year/last year and would skip school to just sleep at home. I hated it and wanted to go to school but had absolutely no motivation and felt physically sick just from the thought of getting out of bed in the morning, so I just napped all day lol
Thankfully things are a lot better now and I sleep a lot less. Like a lot less to the point where it's kind of unhealthy, but I prefer getting little to no sleep to being miserable and sleeping all day.
I probably nap more than I should, granted I am a narcoleptic so I have a habit of falling asleep randomly. I've gotten pretty decent control over it, though. I mostly just doze off if I lay down to watch streams or a Youtube playlist these days.
When I get super bored which is everyday, i'll get tired and then i'll just take a nap, but I wake up on random times so I don't know how long I slept. And I only take naps sometimes, but to me now it feels like almost everyday.
not often, even when i'm sick it's difficult to nap. i guess the closest to napping for me is if i wake up quite early to go pee, can't fall asleep so i go on my phone for maybe half an hour and somehow fall back asleep for some hours.
First if I get home from the gym and have nothing to do afterwards I go to sleep before I have a shower. I go to the gym before it's open to the public so it's very very early.
The second is if i have to go to work after the gym or if I'm tired at work, in which case I'll pretend I'm concentrating on my work by staring at my monitor with my hand resting under my jaw going "hmmmmm", when in reality my eyes are closed and I'm going "zzzzzzzzzz". I've embarrassingly be caught a few times when someone passes my desk or asks me a question, thankfully it's never been by my boss or team leader otherwise I'd probably get in trouble ^-^
I don't know what I'd do if I didn't nap during the day. It's a superb way to recharge and I end up being more productive after taking one.
Naps are really nice when you really need them, but I usually take way too long of naps too late in the day, so it normally messes with my sleep schedule :/ I remember a couple years ago, my sleep schedule was so messed up, that I would come home from school and take a nap till like 7-8 pm, and then go to bed at like 2 am and get up at 7 am or so :v But yeah, I like naps, but I try to limit the number naps I actually take :]